first, thanks for the good work at the botengine.
The last two days i test und probe with the mining bot, modded for the drone operation (drone defense function).
I am a ELM beginner, okay i start the last two days.
i found somethings that is not perfekt:
in the combat defense, the ship approach to the enemy, with a mining barge a terrible
The Mining Barge is very slow and is the hole time approach behind the enemy, i change it in that way, that the target lock range, increased to 25000 meters.
if the enemy not in that range, i change it to “EndDecissionPath Wait” in the else branch from “acquireLockedTargetForCombat” an wait that the NPC came to my range. -
heading to an astroid, the bot is the hole time “Approach” clicking, in my eyes is better to record the approach click, and send the bot in a wait loop. Sometimes if i join the Belt and NPC are in, the bot dont see the NPC until he reached the Astroid.
if the ship reached the target range, it will be usefull to stop the ship, but at the moment i didnt found the send command for shortcuts. in Eve is the shortcut to stop ship
i added a function for get the distanceinmeters as a value and show it in the bot message DescribeBranch one for debug one to have a better overview to find out if i am right.
some ideas to realize are for me hard, to think the new way around ELM for me.
I hope you have some hints for me to help to realize my ideas
what i added and change
distanceToTarget : OverviewWindowEntry -> Maybe Int
distanceToTarget =
.distanceInMeters >> Result.toMaybe
acquireLockedTargetForCombat overviewEntry =
compareDistance : Int
compareDistance = Maybe.withDefault 0 (overviewEntry |> distanceToTarget)
{- if overviewEntry |> overviewWindowEntryIsInCombatRange |> Maybe.withDefault False then -}
if compareDistance < 25000 then
DescribeBranch ("Overview entry is in range. Lock target. Target Distance :" ++ (overviewEntry |> distanceToTarget |> Maybe.map String.fromInt |> Maybe.withDefault "Unknown"))