Local watch bot


it seems that the latest version of the local watch bot (I could find): FrontendWeb.Main is broken as stated in: Eve bots are not working (warp to null; intel watch) - #6 by xrizonx

I find it funny that the stacktrace contains a local path: D:\a\dev-of-botlab\dev-of-botlab\implement\client\BotLab.Client\RunBotSession.cs

Full error Stacktrace:
running bot 679bcfc28f… using client v2021-08-23 failed with exception: System.Exception: Failed compiling the bot program code: Failed to find the file with the entry point. Seems like the ‘Bot.elm’ file is missing in this program code file tree.
at BotLab.Client.RunBotSession.Run(TreeWithStringPath botCodeTree, Func2 getFileFromHashSHA256, String appProcessRecordingDirectory, Action1 logEntry, Action1 addSessionLogEntry, String botSettings, String sessionCustomName, AppSourceStructure botSource, String keyToStartOnlineSession, IEnumerable1 sessionLengthLimits, IImmutableList1 pauseBotKeys, IImmutableList1 statusDisplayAdditionLines, RunSimulation simulation, InterProcessCommunicationState interProcessCommunication, Action2 updateDisplayText) in D:\a\dev-of-botlab\dev-of-botlab\implement\client\BotLab.Client\RunBotSession.cs:line 149 at BotLab.Client.RunBotSession.RunWithDisplayInDotnetConsole(TreeWithStringPath botCodeTree, Func2 getFileFromHashSHA256, String appProcessRecordingDirectory, Action1 logEntry, Action1 addSessionLogEntry, String botSettings, String sessionCustomName, AppSourceStructure botSource, String keyToStartOnlineSession, IEnumerable1 sessionLengthLimits, IImmutableList1 pauseBotKeys, IImmutableList1 statusDisplayAdditionLines, RunSimulation simulation, InterProcessCommunicationState interProcessCommunication) in D:\a\dev-of-botlab\dev-of-botlab\implement\client\BotLab.Client\RunBotSession.cs:line 103 at BotLab.Client.ClientProgram.runBotWithOptionsFromCommandLine(String botSourceInputAddress, String botSettings, String pauseBotKeysString, Boolean onlineSession, String keyToStartOnlineSession, String sessionLengthLimitArgumentString, RunSimulation simulation, Nullable1 detailedSessionRecording) in D:\a\dev-of-botlab\dev-of-botlab\implement\client\BotLab.Client\Program.cs:line 755

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Thank you for the finding.
Yes, that bot does not work with botlab client version 2021-08-23 or newer.
I just combined that bot with the newer framework to create a new bot here: Merge framework 2021-08-25 into Local Watch Bot · Viir/bots@eeb0958 · GitHub

This one runs with the latest botlab client: https://catalog.botlab.org/c62f458bf590a8dff0de386fd49a7f8e7e6fa357dd51c422d682d73ebc025169

Yeah, that does not look ideal at all. Even though it looks surprising, it is quite common with builds from .NET tooling.
That path is coming from the build process. It took the path where files were located at the time of building the package. So the path that you are seeing was a local path on the build machine.

I updated the local watch bot for EVE Online to work with the new notifications framework here:

You can run the new local monitor with notification sounds from https://catalog.botlab.org/413d1319fc4d45a8148d02f96ee259b8384d57184d92125c6f90ac66efb3529e

the online version of the script dosent seem updated can only lounc offline sessions

Hello and Welcome @redsector :wave:

Here is the link to the configuration to start the local watch bot in an online session: https://catalog.botlab.org/413d1319fc4d45a8148d02f96ee259b8384d57184d92125c6f90ac66efb3529e?configure-play=eyJvbmxpbmVTZXNzaW9uIjp0cnVlLCJib3RTZXR0aW5ncyI6IiIsInBhdXNlQm90S2V5cyI6IiIsInNlc3Npb25MZW5ndGhMaW1pdCI6IiIsImRldGFpbGVkU2Vzc2lvblJlY29yZGluZyI6IiJ9

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We made a new local watch intel bot to fix an issue that could cause some alarm sounds to be queued for too long and be played delayed.

You can load the new local watch bot from https://catalog.botlab.org/a1b523a9f0

If you need a quick refresher, this video guide explains how to start a bot: How to Run a Bot in The BotLab Client - YouTube

(The configuration now works inside the BotLab client GUI, no need to prepare a script anymore)