Eve bots are not working (warp to null; intel watch)

Sorry didn’t know i had to include one pretty new to using your Engine/Services.


Its the only one i could get to work without errors and it seems to have some issues. Sometimes it seems it wont activate both shield modules upon Anomaly entry and just activates the booster or hardeners sometimes both. Also i have noticed with this version if a other pilot is in the same anom it does not warp to a new one have seen no way to modify it to move to the next anomaly rather.

the config i use is:
botengine.exe run --online-session --session-length-limit=180 --app-settings=“anomaly-name = Drone Patrol, anomaly-name = Drone Herd, anomaly-name = Drone Horde, hide-when-neutral-in-local = yes, rat-to-avoid = Infested Carrier, module-to-activate-always = Multispectrum Shield Hardener II, module-to-activate-always = X-Large C5-L Compact Shield Booster” https://github.com/Viir/bots/blob/a03ce00ee9008dd229ab4322e7a1d7fe4c90c6e9/implement/applications/eve-online/eve-online-combat-anomaly-bot

Any advice would be awesome have no coding skills and started using botengine only recently!