EVE Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release

Any ideas on what might be the problem? My other PC works fine, but this one in particular spits this error all the time.

Failed building JavaScript on retry: Runtime exception: System.Exception: Failed elm make: Failed for 1 attempts. Output file not found. Maybe the output from the Elm make process from the last attempt helps to find the cause:
Exit Code: 1
Standard Output:
Dependencies ready!
Standard Error:
'-- PROBLEM LOADING PACKAGE LIST ------------------------------------------------

I need the list of published packages to verify your dependencies, so I tried to


But my HTTP library is giving me the following error message:

    InternalException (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol ("certificate has unknown CA",True,UnknownCa)))

Are you somewhere with a slow internet connection? Or no internet? Does the link
I am trying to fetch work in your browser? Maybe the site is down? Does your
internet connection have a firewall that blocks certain domains? It is usually
something like that!

   at ElmTime.ElmAppCompilation.<>c.<BuildJavascriptToCompileFileTree>b__19_0(String err)
   at Pine.Result`2.Unpack[T](Func`2 fromErr, Func`2 fromOk)
   at Pine.Result`2.Extract(Func`2 fromErr)
   at ElmTime.ElmAppCompilation.BuildJavascriptToCompileFileTree(IImmutableDictionary`2 compilerElmProgramCodeFiles)
   at ElmTime.ElmAppCompilation.CreateJsEngineToCompileFileTree(IImmutableDictionary`2 compilerElmProgramCodeFiles)
   at ElmTime.ElmAppCompilation.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.<CachedJsEngineToCompileFileTree>b__0(String _)
   at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.GetOrAdd(TKey key, Func`2 valueFactory)
   at ElmTime.ElmAppCompilation.CachedJsEngineToCompileFileTree(IImmutableDictionary`2 compilerElmProgramCodeFiles)
   at BotLab.Client.ProgramCodeModel.BotProgramCode.ElmAppCompilation(IImmutableDictionary`2 compilerElmProgramCodeFiles, IImmutableDictionary`2 sourceFiles, IReadOnlyList`1 compilationRootFilePath, IReadOnlyList`1 interfaceToHostRootModuleName, ImmutableList`1 dependencies)
   at BotLab.Client.ProgramCodeModel.BotProgramCode.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<GetLoweredProgramCodeToRun>b__1(IImmutableDictionary`2 compilerElmProgramCodeFiles)
   at Pine.Result`2.AndThen[MappedOkT](Func`2 okMap)
   at BotLab.Client.ProgramCodeModel.BotProgramCode.GetLoweredProgramCodeToRun(TreeNodeWithStringPath originalProgramCodeTree)
   at BotLab.Client.PlaySession.<>c__DisplayClass70_0.<PrepareBot>g__buildJavaScript|2()

Good to know it works now for your, thank you for the update :+1:

This error can happen depending on your certificate configuration in Windows. You will not get this error with the default configuration from Windows 11.

I have seen such an error before:

I have observed such error messages on a system with stricter SSL certificate configuration than found on Windows 11: elm-time/explore/2018.deploy-to-azure-web-app/2018.deploy-to-azure-web-app.md at c1b9d57ce89f3421dae2e878a1b9327cc63acac3 ¡ elm-time/elm-time ¡ GitHub

Maybe the configuration regarding root certificate on your system is different from the default coming with Windows?

When you open https://package.elm-lang.org/all-packages, what does your web browser say about the certificate?

https://package.elm-lang.org/all-packages certificate

Does your system classify the certificate as OK?

What version is displayed when you open the program winver?

Where can I read all posible settings?
i mean this
" ```
anomaly-name = Drone Patrol
anomaly-name = Drone Horde
hide-when-neutral-in-local = yes
avoid-rat = Infested Carrier
activate-module-always = shield hardener

Welcome @Botsin :wave:

After selecting a bot, enter the text list settings in the text box for bot-settings. For example, here is how bot 163b92b6d0 responds to that prompt:

Failed to parse these bot-settings: Are you looking for a list of all settings? Following is a list of the 8 setting names that I understand: 'activate-module-always'

And when we want to learn more about a particular setting name we can use the ‘explain’ command:
When we enter explain setting bot-step-delay, bot 163b92b6d0 says:

Failed to parse these bot-settings: Description of setting 'bot-step-delay':
Minimum time between starting bot steps in milliseconds

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Hi, I am struggling to get any mid slot mods to turn on. It does not matter what I type after “activate-module-always =” it wont turn on any mods.

Welcome @Moneyball :wave:

That can happen if the appearance of module tooltips in your game client is too different from earlier training data.
We can quickly solve this by adding the session from your game client to the training data set.
Just export the recording of a play session where you saw the problem and send it to support@botlab.org
Then I will do the rest.

Sent, Thank you for your help on this!

Thank you for sharing your observations.
I looked into session-recording-2023-05-19T22-45-03
The module button tooltips seem disabled in your game client settings.
You need to enable the tooltips for ship modules. You can do that using the “Display Module Tooltips” checkbox in the menu in the ship UI.

You need to have it display the tooltip above the module button as in this screenshot:

Then that bot will be able to identify the modules.

Hey, I posted some suggestion a little while ago in regards to making the bot act more human like, was curious if any of the ideas had been implemented at all?

Was also wondering if any progress has been made on the multiple instance issues?

I just went and implemented your different approach to target a rat that you described earlier. You can load bot bbbce71112 using your approach from here:

Yes :+1: One thing we improved for multiple instances is we expanded the GUI in the BotLab client to show you the status of input focus scheduling in each play session:


Then we also improved the bot frameworks for EVE Online to reduce the risk of interference due to inter-step dependency on input-focus exclusivity.

Do you see a problem when running multiple instances of bot bbbce71112?

Forgot to check back here. Will give this all a test this evening!

Alright, so the change to targetting worked really well! linking me to the editor is actually awesome and i can see where you made the change, so i may spend some time learning how to modify it to do the other suggestion with drones, plus other changes that would make it more how i play.

The multiple instance did work, scary to watch it flip back and forth. I did notice a minor issue where it was doing a “look at” on the rats. This shouldn’t happen because its not clicking anything to do it, unless ‘ALT’ is somehow used in the switching between clients and isn’t being released prior to another click happening in the overview (its the look at hotkey).

Otherwise everything worked as expected.

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Hi Viir!

It’s been a few months, firing up the bot again.

Using version:

The bot is now auto changing the Overview to sort by Distance which is detrimental to how the bot should function. (either by choice of the player, or by the correct choice: sorting by size, smallest to largest.)

Is there any way to remove this functionality of the bot setting the distance sorting??


added: maybe we could have a “remove-auto-sorting-overview” setting? OR even better yet a “sort-by:” setting so we can set: Size, Distance etc etc.

Explanation - Why sort by Distance is very bad:
a new anomoly wave spawns, at max range is a frigate (the bot will now orbit the frigate), the frigate flies fast to your bot (because it is a frigate), you are orbiting the bot @range and are constantly trying to get away from the frigate, you are now 100km+ away from the battleships that spawned, now there is a long wait time to get back to the battleships before bot can target and kill…

Sort by size (small at top, large at bottom):
a new anomoly wave spawns, bot will orbit bottom of list (always a battleship, the slowest), bot will always target and kill top-to-bottom of list (frigates die first), low risk of bumping into structures (orbit @ 30-50), low risk of moving far from the anomoly spawn site (battleships are slow.)


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Adding to “why sort by distance is bad”

This image shows how sort by distance can kill the bot.

Here we can see the bot is killing a battleship, even though the bot has been warp disrupted and webbed by a frigate. The bot had to kill 3 other ships before this point, meaning he could not warp off for a very long period of time.

This happens very frequently and is high risk for a simple fix :slight_smile:


Thank you very much for the insights!

I made bot 1140f2d738 to implement the bot-setting to support sorting by any column that represents a length, like the ones we see in your screenshot under ‘Distance’ and ‘Size’


The commonality between these columns is the display of units, which allows us to sort between entries containing different units, such as ‘m’ and ‘km’.

Since you have put so much effort into this feature, I made this version the recommendation for ratting bots.

You can use 1140f2d738 with a settings text like this:

sort-overview-by = size
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Anyone have experience with using MTU (Mobile Tractor Units) when ratting?
The thought being to warp to a anom in an ishtar. and launch a MTU, orbit it at 30 km with afterburner on (maybe bookmark the MTU for later) and clear the anom as normal. This way, the mtu will loot the wrecks over the next half hour or so, while the bot is at another anom. in testing (“manually” ratting) it usually yields about 10-15 mill isk extra per site (with possibility for very high value rare drops from time to time)

Might be something that’s already answered (I see some other mentions of people trying this, but can’t find any shared results or followups)
Of course, it could just be me who’s still new :stuck_out_tongue: but is there a way to see all the settings variables, like the " sort-overview-by = size" and so ?

Does the bot allow you to randomize the time between commands and do each bot one by one to avoid detection?

Welcome @phoenix :wave:

To see all the settings variables, enter the text list settings in the text box for bot-settings. For example, here is how bot 1140f2d7 responds to that prompt:

Failed to parse these bot-settings: Are you looking for a list of all settings? Following is a list of the 9 setting names that I understand:

And when we want to learn more about a particular setting name we can use the ‘explain’ command:
When we enter explain setting bot-step-delay, bot 163b92b6d0 says:

Failed to parse these bot-settings: Description of setting 'bot-step-delay':
Minimum time between starting bot steps in milliseconds