EVE Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release

Thank you for the update :+1:

You can adjust this in the bot-settings. Add this line in the settings to reduce it to 1000 milliseconds:

bot-step-delay = 1000
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did this delay get implemented too?

Great! I will try this thank you :slight_smile: - Is there a list of these custom configs anywhere?

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Not yet, I hope this week.

Yes, there is an easy way to explore these custom settings: After selecting a bot, enter the text list settings in the text box for bot-settings. For example, here is how bot 163b92b6d0 responds to that prompt:

Failed to parse these bot-settings: Are you looking for a list of all settings? Following is a list of the 8 setting names that I understand: 'activate-module-always'

When we enter explain setting bot-step-delay, bot 163b92b6d0 says:

Failed to parse these bot-settings: Description of setting 'bot-step-delay': Minimum time between starting bot steps in milliseconds

I will expand the BotLab client to automatically start a conversation with a loaded bot to learn about settings and then show these along with the description text.

Is it possible to learn and activate always on modules prior to finding a site?
each module takes 3-5 secs to learn and then another 3-5 to activate.
This causes an issue in 2 instances:

  1. sites are close by, bot is still activating modules while landing in a site. allowing time for rats to lock and potentially start shooting before all tank modules are online and ship is moving for transversal.
  2. there is a “bug” where if a site is not finished at down time, it essentially resets a site without clearing the unfinished content, you end up with essentially a double spawning site. Combined with #1, this hurts real bad!

I have tried the bot-step-delay, but this seems to make no difference in any of the timing to speed up the process.

Sure, no problem! This bot learns the modules before beginning the maneuver to enter an anomaly: https://github.com/Viir/bots/tree/695af4a4bdf8a31cfcfedeec2c4bb8376695dccd/implement/applications/eve-online/eve-online-combat-anomaly-bot

That is a different case. That is just missing training data for your setup. We can fix that with a recording from your setup. I will look into it when you send me the play session recording to support@botlab.org

In this case send a corresponding play session recording to support@botlab.org

alright recording has been sent

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Thank you! I looked into session-recording-2023-04-17T21-18-02 and used that to make a new bot that is much faster.

Bot 19aec79486 should be twice as fast for you: https://catalog.botlab.org/19aec79486

I really appreciate that! Will give it a try today!

I really need to spend some time going through the guides and learning elm and how this all works.

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Recently updated to the newer botlab version. Was running the anom bot you had customized for me and at some point it starts clicking on things weird. It opened a minimzed chat box, opened the locations window, and a drone info window. not sure if it left drones behind or if my drones got killed but there were only 4 left and they weren’t being instructed to do anything as they were hidden lower in the drones window. I have sent a recording, but am also going to try out a regular version of the anomaly bot and see if i get the same result.

Tested using the uncustomized anom bot, same result.

went through the log of my most recent test. after ending up like 600km away from the anom and not shooting the frig i was orbiting. at some pint the bot clicked on the overview heading and had changed it to sort by name instead of distance.

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Thank you very much for this update and the investigation!

When I have the session recording, I will look into it.
I see you attached a file, but the file bot-19aec79486cde195171ad3e10b246a5bccb29344d2dafe2cf729663e77ee7c39.zip is only the export of the bot program. It is not the session export.

Ok, this seems simple to fix: The bot can check the sorting order all the time and then click the column header to adjust it when it still needs to be sorted by distance.

I made a bot to avoid this problem. You can load it from https://catalog.botlab.org/139dfffa95b9d790
Bot 139dfffa95 tracks the sort order in the overview windows. When an overview window was not sorted by distance in the last ten steps, it clicks on the colum header to restore sorting.

I resent the recordings.

I’d also like to pass along a few suggestions, not sure if they’ve ever been considered or not.

You use ‘W’ for the orbit, but there are a few more shortcuts that would make the bot more human like:
CTRL + click = lock target
SHIFT + F = launch drones
F = drones attack currently locked and selected target
SHIFT + R = recall drones to bay

Some sites have an object or multiple objects you could orbit, that are generally common practice over orbiting an NPC itself. A multiple entry option similar to anomaly-name would be cool.
Enter specific items we would like to orbit, if it doesn’t exist then default behaviour for orbiting NPC.
Forsaken Hub
“Gas” Haven
“Rock” Haven
The rock haven is a perfect example where orbiting an npc can be bad. its a big rock formation that you can run into, so you generally orbit the pirate gate as its right in the middle, and you orbit the whol formation.

hello i have two suggestions
1 Can you give priority to killing mobs during combat?
2 no surround
Surrounding an npc will cause the ship to hit the building, making it impossible to jump away when enemies come
Mobs have a rebound device (Prohibited transition)
So they can’t jump away when the enemy comes

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Welcome @kaitezhuanshu :wave:

Yes, we could use for example the values shown for the ‘Name’ or icon columns for the objects in space. What way of distinguishing the priorities works better for you?

When using bot 139dfffa95, you can disable the orbiting of rats by adding the following line to your bot-settings prompt:

orbit-in-combat = no

Thank you, I loaded two session recording archives from the email: session-recording-2023-04-26T16-25-08.zip and session-recording-2023-04-26T21-01-07.zip

As far as I see, session-recording-2023-04-26T21-01-07.zip only contains up to event 92. And none of these events contain any action from the bot, as it is still in the setup stage.

session-recording-2023-04-26T16-25-08.zip contains 20572 events. Following your description, I will inspect the last events from that session to learn more.

Good morning,
possibly something windows related this morning. Have emailed a recording.
Tried on 2 computers using both the older and newer clients and a couple bot versions, all get stuck on this right at the start. I’m guessing something windows related…


I looked into session-recording-2023-04-26T16-25-08.zip
In that session, you did not ask the bot to dock when there is a neut in the system.
To do that, add the following line to your bot-settings prompt:

hide-when-neutral-in-local = yes

I looked into session-recording-2023-04-29T15-18-52.zip

The last event in that export is event 24 at 19,5 seconds after the start of the session.

It seems quite common to take that bot more than 20 seconds to find the root of the UI tree. So the observation that it had not finished the setup after 19,5 seconds is normal.

The solution in this case is to wait until it has completed the setup.

Does that take more than one minute on your setup?

Hey, responded via email as well.
I swear it was docking by dafault. Started using that setting anyways so no big deal.

I had deleted recordings due to them taking up a good 250gb, so just made a quick recording. Will grab a longer one, however usually in that short time it has changed to displaying the client name, and then takes 30sec to a minute at that point before it starts operating

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seems like it may have been a me issue.
this is where it usually ends up in the first couple seconds. working now.

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