EVE Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release

Hello! I was wondering if someone could clarify what you do with the config file. I found older mentions of a “bot.config” file confusing, because I wasn’t sure if this is something I create on my own or was meant to be automatically created by the program.


Or if I needed to make it before I compile. Or if config.cs is what I’m meant to be modifying.

This is my first time ever working with a programming language, and some of the information in this thread seems to be out of date. Sorry if this is obvious.

bot.config.txt (346 Bytes)
delete the .txt extension and you have the bot.config ( actually you have to made yourself)
the ones with // aren’t good ( old tries)

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Thank you very much! I understand what I was doing wrong now.

Continuing the discussion from Eve Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release:

i got it but all it does is click on all the modules do does it not works with shield booster vnis?

shields are not implemented on official a-bot

Hi, how do I set the bot to orbit automatically something at 50km?

I’m currently flying a 100mn VNI, but the bot seems to remain statically in the same place 100% of the time.


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Welcome @TheRat
it seems you use A-bot , to orbit ( and/or add more features) you have to modify the sources and recompile the bot.
An alternative is to use his framework, Sanderling and the scripts found at Gift Anomaly Ratting salvAGE Bot with Sanderling - GARBAGE-2 and measuring his efficiency
or Ratting bot: anomaly and/or asteroids with Sanderling - #84 by kaboonus

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My eve.exe doesn’t show up in the list of processes in “Interface” for the Sanderlings and Sanderlings-Abot client. Do you know why?

The guide for the new version working with the 64-bit EVE Online client is now at https://to.botlab.org/guide/app/eve-online-combat-anomaly-bot

Not sure if you’re looking for feedback regarding the Ratting Bot, but I’ll post some here anyway for maybe some future modernization of it :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Ignore Anomaly with friendlies in them, only check at the start though.

  • Use keybinds for Drone control (Shift+F = launch Drones - F = Drones attack Target - Shift+R = Return Drones to bay.)

  • Use Keybinds for Targeting (Ctrl+click target in overview)

  • Instead of using logic to determine distance of targets and targeting them in order of closest->furthest. Bot should target and kill from the TOP of the list down. This allows control of priorities the player(us) can provide to the bot. Such as sort by Smallest->largest target, or sort by Distance. - with this logic Bot should also orbit the LAST npc in the list (so orbit command does not need to be needlessly repeated throughout kills.

  • return drones being damage (watch drone HP, return singular drone when damage is being taken, ANY damage at all.) - Check that 5/5 drones are launched intermittently and relaunch to ensure 5/5 drones always on field.

  • bot should periodically when in combat use the “engage target” or (F keybind) to ensure drones are on the correct target.

  • add “warp at x range” functionality.

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Welcome back, and thank you for sharing your ideas!

I see many anomaly-ratting bots already do it this way today. One of them is 549427189f.
549427189f and others have a memory for each anomaly. (Besides remembering other pilots on arrival, this memory is also what allows you to configure to avoid selected types of rats that you deem too dangerous)

Automatically detects if another pilot is in an anomaly on arrival and switches to another anomaly if necessary.

Let me know if you discover a case where this does not work.

If these worked in general, it would be easy to add. What if the game client is configured differently?

Since nobody objected to this for days, I am inclined to integrate that into an example. How would you rank the entries when they are distributed over multiple overview windows?
(Then you have more than one list.)

You can use this today with the warp-to-anomaly-distance setting in 549427189f:

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To answer this I’ll apologize for not using the latest combat anomaly version, I was using an outdated one. I will update, test and advise if I have any issues :slight_smile:

I think this is a more behavioral (personal) issue than a technical one, an issue that generally shouldn’t occur when botting, though I understand your desire to program around the lowest common denominator. Such as someone switching on a bot on their main PC/Client, using the same overview and game settings as they would when playing the game normally. Although I cannot speak for them I believe that the majority of botters (even amateurs) separate their sessions or clients/settings depending on when they are playing normally or botting. This was traditionally done via Virtual Machines but has now since evolved to technologies such as RDP Wrappers (much lighter, easier to setup)

If anyone reading this does just turn their bots on using their normal day to day clients please chime in I’d love to know if that’s how they’re run.

I digress, lets assume we need to work around this, time to circle back to the original question, how would I rank entries when they are distributed over multiple overview windows? I would stand by my original statement of TOP to BOTTOM, or overview window 1, then 2 etc. If you are prioritizing windows based on location I would go top right 1 always. There isn’t a need to show npc rats on multiple overview windows at once so this case shouldn’t be occurring.

Although I do touch on this regarding the behavioral or personal setups of EVE Clients and how people bot. I would understand your hesitation to implement keyboard shortcuts to your bot for this issue. I would simply add to your guide “use default keyboard shortcuts.”

BUT hear me out, I have seen the bot bug out a few times when trying to navigate the right-click menu, both in the Drones window and the Overview, manual intervention is required occasionally to fix these issues and I have lost ships during my limit uses (because the bot does not see past getting stuck in context menus.)

Keyboard shortcuts would half the required inputs for most actions (engage with drones, return drones, launch drones, target npc.)

Thank you for taking your time with this Michael I appreciate it, the bot functions almost as well as I’d love one too. Keen to see changes for the better and to fine-tune what you have here :slight_smile:

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Having issues with the bot ignoring anomalies with friendlies in them Issue occurs when both corporation, alliance and blue standing ships are present in the overview.

I will e-mail you the json, though I may have paused it too quickly (bot warped to site, started to orbit and target npc’s while a friendly was in the anomaly.)

Regarding my issue above I have another json session saved where this issue occurred, the bot was trying to orbit something but a right-click menu was open and I assume in the way of the bot selecting the correct npc to orbit.

Occasionally the right-click menu is left open by the bot I assume because it tries to target another npc but then cancels the logic when it realises it already has 3 targeted, if the orbit npc dies the bot then cannot orbit another npc as the right-click menu is still open from the previous attempt at targeting. - this could be eliminated by using keyboard shortcuts (to target) instead of menu navigation for commands.

On another note, I had a few occasions where the bot’s neutral detection was tested last night, the detection timing was clean and fast, but the process it takes is not as efficient as it could be. Each time hostiles had landed on grid with my character before I warped off, they were very close calls.

Some suggestions regarding the neutral / hostile in local detection:

  • Bot Currently: Hostile Detected > Return Drones > Wait for Drones > Drones in Cargo > Dock at Station.

  • Ideal Logic: Hostile Detected > Return Drones > Align Station > Wait for Drones > IF Hostile detected in Overview, Dock at Station (leave drones) Otherwise > Drones in Cargo > Dock at Station.

  • Add a config for: Wait xxx seconds before undocking after neutral/hostile has left local.

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Thank you for the clarification. It seems well thought out, so I made your approach the recommendation for new users:

(You can run that bot directly from https://github.com/Viir/bots/tree/0c7449f7f1de93b161765a91a1bbb3a48005eb39/implement/applications/eve-online/eve-online-combat-anomaly-bot)

The normal case is running a bot for multiple hours without any supervision. When you encounter an issue that requires manual intervention, this is a severe reduction in usefulness. So I would like to understand what happened there. Why was manual intervention necessary?

I want to learn more about this. Can you send me the exported recording of your play session?
I got the JSON files via email, but these do not contain the full recording you get via the standard export.

I also see these save time when a user has set up their system in a specific way. Currently, there is another issue where people depend on my support. I will prioritize that because they cannot implement a solution on their own.

I am not sure I understand this. Why can’t it start orbiting another NPC when a context menu is open from a previous attempt? What branch did you take in the program code?
When you send me the session recording, I will look into that, as it sounds like a severe problem.

That sounds sensible :+1:
One question about your game client: Where do you click to perform the ‘Align Station’ step? Can you send me a screenshot of the UI element for that action?

Good to know, I will look into that :+1:
I am wondering what a good name would be for this setting. Maybe delay-before-return-from-hide

is this what you needed? Let me know if I can be of more help :slight_smile:

Yeah that sounds good, or maybe wait-timer-after-hiding

Not a problem! I’ve sent a couple via e-mail, thank you for taking the time to take a look, the majority of issues should be occurring towards the end of the recordings.

Thank you for your time again!

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Yes, this is perfect :+1: I will adapt the bot based on this screenshot.

Thank you for the recordings. These already helped me to fix a bug.

In session-recording-2023-04-01T17-11-13, I see a problem in event 14155: Here, we can see the bot tried to click on (x 1645|y 246) to select an overview entry. However, in event 14155, this point on the overview is occluded by a context menu.
Following this observation, I found that the bot did not consider the context menu when computing the remaining visible portion of the overview entry. Enough of that overview entry is still visible, and clicking further to the left or right solves the problem.

I made a new bot that uses this strategy to avoid the problem we saw there. You can run the new ratting bot from https://github.com/Viir/bots/tree/8cedce87f850e2f35dd93adb8c72b593feb32b0a/implement/applications/eve-online/eve-online-combat-anomaly-bot

Thank you very much! I have started testing this new version! Seems very promising I’ve only had to intervene 2-3 times over about 6-8hrs, I’ll try to get a recording of another issue I’m having.

I’ve also emailed you regarding the old issue of the bot not leaving an anomaly if a friendly is present, if you need more examples I can get as many recordings as you need :slight_smile:


Good to know it works better now :+1:

Thank you for the report!
In session-recording-2023-03-27T18-56-42, I saw a problem in event 128.
I fixed this here: Fix derivation of boolean weJustFinishedWarping · Viir/bots@0805ca4 · GitHub

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Almost 50hrs of testing, this latest version is going very well, for some reason an issue I was having didn’t occur today, I will keep testing. The warp-out when friendly in anomaly is working perfectly! Thank you!

Question: Is there a way to speed up the tick commands for the bot? I have lost a couple of ratting ships due to the time it takes for the bot to warp out of a site.

When using the Locations (sun icon) context menu the bot has to navigate through 5 steps before it clicks “Dock”

Currently the bot: Recall Drones > Waits for recall > Clicks on Sun Icon > Structures > Citadel > Citadel(individual) > Dock.

At each point, including the initial click on the Sun Icon, takes about 1.5 to 2 seconds per action.

So, neutral comes into system (waits 2 seconds) > Recall Drones (waits 2 seconds) > Clicks Icon (Waits 2 seconds.) etc etc etc.

It can take over 10 seconds for the bot to click the Dock command through this context menu. Is there a way to speed this process up? Or the general tick-rate of the bot?

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