using WindowsInput.Native;
yield return new BotTask //
Effects = new[] { MotionParamExtension.KeyboardPress(VirtualKeyCode.VK_F) }
or combined ctrl/shift + left click
var lockTargetKeyCode = VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL;// lock targhet
var targetLockedKeyCode = VirtualKeyCode.SHIFT;//locked targhet
and for target lock:
yield return new BotTask
Effects = new[]
or press combined keys
yield return new BotTask //return to bay drone
Effects = new[] { MotionParamExtension.KeyboardPressCombined(new[] {
VirtualKeyCode.SHIFT, VirtualKeyCode.VK_R
}) }
just be care the chat window ARE NOT focused ( if you use F, W etc)
You have now all variants: combined shift+R for return drones;
ctrl +leftclick for locking targets
avoid to focus chat window and be carefull with shift+R, sometimes drones stay sticked betwen rocks, rats, wrecks and they dont come ( thats why is better to use click right return to cargo , it seems it work better)