TW2 Bot Alarming out

First alarm
Second alarm

Hello Trevor,

Sorry for the error message, I see this needs to be improved.
For this error, take the following steps to resolve it:

  • Enter the address %localappdata%/botlab/play-record in Windows Explorer in the address bar, where it shows the current path. Entering this will redirect you to a directory under your user account, like C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\botlab\play-record. In this directory there is one subdirectory for each play session.
  • Delete the subdirectories of the play sessions you don’t need anymore.

This should resolve the error.

I am expanding the graphical user interface in the BotLab client to automate the cleanup and alert you in the future to proactively prevent such an issue.

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This solved the issue, but saves way too much data. I had over 90gb of data I had to delete this morning after just 2 days of running the bot.

Today, I got around to working on the storage efficiency of the play session recording. With version 2024-01-04 of the BotLab client, disk usage for the play session recordings is reduced by more than 90 percent in most cases compared to the earlier versions.
You can download version 2024-01-04 from

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Thanks for the update.