Hello Moom,
Here’s a solution to help you implement this feature:
To achieve this, you’ll need to integrate two new functions into your bot’s code (I used bot 8cab38824b as the basis):
Function to Identify and Deactivate Modules:
deactivateModulesBeforeWarp : BotDecisionContext -> Maybe DecisionPathNode
deactivateModulesBeforeWarp context =
|> modulesToDeactivateBeforeWarp
|> List.filter (Tuple.second >> moduleIsActiveOrReloading)
|> List.head
|> Maybe.map
(\(moduleMatchingText, moduleToDeactivate) ->
describeBranch ("Deactivating active module '" ++ moduleMatchingText ++ "' before warp.")
(clickModuleButtonButWaitIfClickedInPreviousStep context moduleToDeactivate)
This function checks for active or reloading modules that you wish to deactivate before warp (e.g., Afterburner) and prepares the deactivation command.
Function to List Modules for Deactivation:
modulesToDeactivateBeforeWarp :
-> List (String, EveOnline.ParseUserInterface.ShipUIModuleButton)
modulesToDeactivateBeforeWarp context =
|> Maybe.map .moduleButtons
|> Maybe.withDefault []
|> List.filterMap
(\moduleButton ->
|> EveOnline.BotFramework.getModuleButtonTooltipFromModuleButton context.memory.shipModules
|> Maybe.andThen
>> List.filterMap
(\(tooltipText, _) ->
if tooltipText |> stringContainsIgnoringCase "afterburner" then
Just tooltipText
>> List.head
|> Maybe.map (\moduleName -> (moduleName, moduleButton))
This helper function compiles a list of modules, like Afterburners, to be deactivated based on the ship’s UI.
Integrating with the Bot’s Warping Process
After defining these functions, incorporate them into the bot’s warping sequence:
Just anomalyScanResult ->
describeBranch "Initiating warp to anomaly."
(deactivateModulesBeforeWarp context
|> Maybe.withDefault
("Scan result", anomalyScanResult.uiNode)
(useMenuEntryWithTextContaining "Warp to Within"
Here, before the bot warps to an anomaly, it first executes deactivateModulesBeforeWarp
. This function ensures any specified modules (like the Afterburner) are turned off.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance. Happy botting!