The Mining Robot can't find its way home.

He should go to the a rafinnery: GEZ T2 Ore T2 Moon T1, but he can’t find it and leaves himself to die of the bloods.
And I can’t fix it.

Hey Paul, sorry to hear there is a problem.
In this case, send the export of the session to
When I have the session, I can check how we need to adapt the bot to get this sorted.

For the guide on exporting your play sessions, see

Email send!
Sorry delay, i was in vacations

Hi Paul, welcome back!

I am looking at your play session from Monday now. The case you were testing in that session is retreating when hitpoints are low.

When ship hitpoints are too low, bot a023889820 uses any station or structure to dock, and does not try to find the one you configured for unloading the ore.

In Event [ 297 ], it sent the command to return the drones to the bay:

+ Shield hitpoints are below 75%. Return drones.
++ I see there are drones in space. Return those to bay.
+++ Click menu entry 'with text containing 'Return to drone bay''.

In Event [ 305 ], it selected the ‘Structures’ entry from the menu:

+ Shield hitpoints are at 63%. Run away.
++ Hover menu entry 'with text containing first available of 'stations', 'structures''.

It failed to dock because your game client has a new menu structure. In your game client, the structures did not appear immediately under the Structures entry.
As far as I see in the screenshot you posted, you are using an intermediate menu level in between, and the structures you are aiming for are contained in an entry labeled Refinery

So, I guess we could adapt it as follows to make it work for your game client:

  • If the menu where we expect the structures contains an entry labeled Refinery, navigate into that one and then use the submenu as the structures.

Looking at this case, I also noticed that the runAway function does not search the overview windows.

Overall, it might be better for runAway to first search all overview windows and check if the same station we use for unloading is visible. This approach will save time as it means we do not need to descend into the cascade of the surroundings menu.
What do you think about opening a second overview window to make the refinery GEZ T2 Ore T2 Moon T1 entry directly available all the time?

I adapted the mining bot example to implement this optimized ship saving function. You can run it from

If we bail because ship hitpoints are too low, offer a new shortcut using the overview windows. If the unload station or structure is visible in one of the overview windows, use that one to dock instead of docking to a random station.

Couldn’t we just ask the bot to consult the “Location” window, where favorite destinations are saved?
I don’t know if this is possible, but it could solve our problems, as the bot wouldn’t have to browse through different tabs.

Sure, no problem!
I looked again at the recording you sent me earlier. I found there was actually a “Location” window which also contains an UI element containing a text label with the station/structure name you posted above.
I am adapting the bot to look into that “Location” window first.

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Thank you very much for your responsiveness. May I ask if this modification is also applicable to the PVE robot? And if I can make this modification myself or if it’s too complex for a random?

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It depends. The ratting bot I just looked at does not yet seem to have a setting for entering a station or structure name. Do you mean we should add a setting for that? Or would you apply another kind filter to the entries displayed in the ‘Locations’ window to select a subset of entries where docking is possible?

I uploaded a new mining bot using the ‘Locations’ window. You can start it from

When using the ‘Locations’ window, enter the station/structure name into your bot settings as it appears in the ‘Label’ column of the ‘Locations’ window.
Using the whole text line in the bot settings would be more difficult because the game client UI inserts <t> tags in the text we read from the memory representation:

So a ratting bot select an random station when he need execute oder : “hide-when-neutral-in-local = yes”?
I will add information that when you give up your drone in space cause of neutral, you need refill in station.
But a think we can ask to bot to put a bookmark when Anom is ending, as we can come manully again for salvage.
If you preffer i open new feed

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The ratting bot that is currently most popular picks a random station.

Thank you for opening the new thread :+1: It will be much easier to find it there because it has the “ratting bot” in the title.