Station panel update

Good afternoon my friends, today eve has undergone an update and I noticed that the station panel has changed, the Undock buttons have changed, does anyone know how the new command line is for him to click this button?

Currently my code is as follows.

	public class UndockTask : IBotTask
		public IMemoryMeasurement MemoryMeasurement;
		public IEnumerable<IBotTask> Component => null;
		public IEnumerable<MotionParam> Effects
				if (MemoryMeasurement?.IsUnDocking ?? false)
					yield break;
				if (!(MemoryMeasurement?.IsDocked ?? false))
					yield break;
				yield return MemoryMeasurement?.WindowStation?.FirstOrDefault()?.UndockButton?.MouseClick(BotEngine.Motor.MouseButtonIdEnum.Left);

What change should I make to make it work again?

i can give you the version for sanderling to change

Sanderling.MouseClickLeft(Measurement?.WindowStation?.FirstOrDefault()?.ButtonText?.FirstOrDefault(undock =>undock?.Text?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase("undock")??false  ));

I supose it should be

yield return MemoryMeasurement?.WindowStation?.FirstOrDefault()?.ButtonText?.FirstOrDefault(undock =>undock?.Text?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase("undock")??false  )?.MouseClick(BotEngine.Motor.MouseButtonIdEnum.Left);

or something like that


does not find the undock button

I am using this rather clumsy workarround:

Options → Shortcuts → General, find Exit Station in the list, assign a hotkey

Undock by sending a Hotkey with:
Sanderling.KeyboardPressCombined(new[]{VirtualKeyCode.LMENU, VirtualKeyCode.VK_D});
I am using ALT-D in this example

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this doesn’t work for you?

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Nice solution!

Good to know EVE Online supports undocking the ship via keyboard commands.

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I am sure your solution works great but i tend to search my own solutions and like to share them =)

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