To save a memory measurement from sanderling to a file follow these steps:
- switch to tab “Bot”->“API Explorer”
- in the tree view at the bottom expand the node “MemoryMeasurement” so that you can see its “Value” property.
- wait until a memory measurement has been taken. This is indicated by the “Value” node under “MemoryMeasurement” being populated with child nodes and expandable.
- select the “Value” node by leftclicking on it.
- expand the “selection” section above.
- In the “selection” section, enable the CheckBox left of the label “Ref Nez Dif” (this chooses the type of transform which is applied to the selected CLR object for serialization)
- drag the destination file on the button labeled “file” under “Destination”
- the application will now write the file, you can assume this was successful when the destination file contents have changed.
The gif below shows a similar procedure but for a different source node: