Sanderling how to parse

How do I parse the JSON into a readable format? I’m making a bot in python and i need to be able to read specific parts from the JSON. The github doesnt have documentation on using the parse elm script so im abit confused

You can use the Elm parsing functions as coded in the parseReadingFromGameClient function here:

Is there documentation?

Yes, this guide explains the composition of the return value you get from parseReadingFromGameClient:

(This guide is also linked from the overview of guides at

You need to be careful when creating a self-driving bot.
You cannot run two or more bots at the same time if each window is managed separately - CCP sees this and bans you in less than a week.
We had an automated abyss bot, because of which a lot of accounts were banned. It worked with each window separately and even launched many alpha accounts at the same time.
Accounts that were created less than 30 days ago are also actively checked.
As we understand, CСP sees if commands for different accounts are sent from one PC at the same time