Sanderling cannot read Ice Harvesters

Sanderling measuretooltips cannot read ice harvester 2 tooltips.

I could take a measurement and upload after 12 tonight but how do I do it as can’t produce the tooltip and press the measurement button at same time.

A hotkey would be good.

Oh well I seem to be wasting my time.The developer does not seem to answer my messages or forum posts I must have done something to upset him.
I guess there is no point in me wasting my time on any more forum posts so this is the last one.
Good Luck Guys.

Did you modify your mining script to look for an IceHarvester to use?

I made a ice mining specific script by changing “IsMiner” to “IsIceHarvester” in the following line:

Sanderling.Accumulation.IShipUiModule[] SetModuleMiner => Sanderling.MemoryMeasurementAccu?.Value?.ShipUiModule?.Where(module => module?.TooltipLast?.Value?.IsMiner ?? false)?.ToArray();
Sanderling.Accumulation.IShipUiModule[] SetModuleMiner => Sanderling.MemoryMeasurementAccu?.Value?.ShipUiModule?.Where(module => module?.TooltipLast?.Value?.IsIceHarvester ?? false)?.ToArray();


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Can someone help me I just do not understand programming and I can’t start the bot