Ratting bot: anomaly and/or asteroids with Sanderling

yes, you have right. Since i never used var ActivateArmorRepairer = true; i lost the condition on the way :))

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I’m sure is more than just one thing i forgot, so I apreciate your feedback.
for example, sometimes he sends drones when is only one target, sometime when are 2, in the beginning … but for that, I really don’t have a solution, because is a script and also from one point of view i need to keep places for ewar rats ( that why I have target number max)

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It’s good so far though. If you dont mind me giving some feedback then I’d be happy to.

News after feedbacks:
Now owning the anomaly is working;
Stopping the armor repairer only in certain conditions
+new: changing the tab to the one for ratting
+security checks for measure all modules ( you have to fill in their number)

Check the last commit


or to keep be updated, here you have the master branch :slight_smile:
Sanderling--ratting-bot-anomaly-or-asteroids-/ratting-anomaly-and-asteroids.cs at master · kaboonus/Sanderling--ratting-bot-anomaly-or-asteroids- · GitHub

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A new week, a news update:

  1. If you think you could not be caught botting, then something is messed with your reality. No randomizing doesn’t solve this eventuality. The simple fact you play 7h doing the same thing, again and again, daily, is a fact, like clicking at nanoseconds for 7 h, on 7 accounts, omega or not. The rest is philosophy.

Let’s rock than with news:
Randomized delay undock because some reds come back in your system. change the value at your pleasure.
Omni is supported. Is in tests, but is there. And expanded checking of this modules.
the bot will go home and dock and stop when you don’t have enough drones. the measurements are taken when you are taking anomalies; From my experience is not the case with asteroids( to check the number of drones).

Let’s say you want to do 30 anomalies, well, you are served: offload limit is your friend; When your reach 30 dockings, then the bot will close the game and stop himself. ( default is 100 you will see why)
But, maybe you wanna bot from now to 4h30m ??? Well, the bot will take you home, dock, logout and stop.
Unless … yes there is an unless :slight_smile: if you didn’t reach the 100 dockings. so Be careful what you chose, because any docking caused by neutrals is counted
But let’s says … you play from work and like me, you forget about DT.
You guessed right, this time :))
he go home; take a nap until you start again
And again, you guessed right, unless Offload count limit isn’t reached AND the play session isn’t expired.
The smallest value, of this timers, measured after you finish a site, could send you home.

So the stats are changed to reflect new features:
you started to bot at x time, and you will stop in xx hours/minutes or when you reach offload limits.
So you have to pay attention to filling these timers. I hope my guide is satisfactory, and you pay attention to some basic maths.
NExt: is a picture, of your sexy overview. More precisely how to set up the reds:
it doesn’t matter ( too much) because if they are on your grid, your dead; But you never know.
And the next one picture, again, with your overview:
this is how you set the wrecks.

Also, about chat local, to avoid his automated focus on him, just hide the local behind the overview. but to see the red stars from players.
Don’t overlap the windows
or chat
or move manual your ship( dock etc etc) Pause/stop the bot if you intend to docklocal


If am not mistaken (and I might be :slight_smile: )

var eveServerDT = DateTime.Today.AddDays(0).AddHours(11).AddMinutes(0);

will give you your local 11am time.

If you want to target real DT which is in UTC timezone try this

DateTime localDT = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddHours(10).AddMinutes(45);
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yes, you are mistake :slight_smile: I let you guess why

and maybe , just maybe you make bigger your horizons and learnt that the local time isn’t UTC-15 min in Chine, Alaska and Londra or brazil,. Is just for your personal location . local time. In rest, since Im not interested by ntp time and precision at nanosec , I can relax use date DateTime.Now since is used by windows ( actually is the clock from system, not measured on ntp)
The only mistake was I let


and not how it was announced in the introduction (1 min before the real DT)

** Of course, like usual you can copy paste or you can convert ( yes, you convert so to be available for everybody) to any timezone ( and not local) always checking ntp servers

**later: but to not be an ashole, i will check again at next dt

ok you didnt understand nor read what am saying and because i do have patience … so again…

datetime.today is your computer time
datetime.utcnow.date is utc today

so your code, no matter what you are saying around to “teach me new horizons”, will not work at dt time but it will shutdown your client before 11 your time.


yes, you are right ( i will update the commit anyway)

but you dont now why :). i let you guess why I’ve made like that. and why I want to use today. in meantime I can offer you some documentation

timespan until the real dt of the server is fixed.
just for documentation, at the midnight the day changes …is in nature so you have to distinguish between these 2 days at the midnight, if you started to bot before midnight.
you cannot use the “local time” because is a lapse between your local time and server time, and also this lapse depends on summertime or hiver time. Maybe we have to remember in the world there are countries where they do not change the hour on summer because they are not aligned with this European ( economic ) accommodation.
Whatsoever. about changing the hours on summer hours or hiver, there are discussions in the world they wanna drop this reglementation, again, because the economy ask for that.
So in conclusion, since I look in a distant future of this script ( I still find scripts from 20 years ago) I took all this in consideration to use UTC.

Back at the midnight, *.Today was perfect since you need only the day to compare and Today …is used for DAy ( not time distinction)
Even so, Pika was right, but only at half.
Conclusion: i fixed that :slight_smile:

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I know I will regret this, but… I do like to know about new horizons anyway :slight_smile:
Is your code really doing what you need? cos there are some utcnows but I dont really see where you know on which time DT is. So you are substracting time from utc.now but , that will give you now-variable.

Code for DT exit should be really simplified from those else ifs you have to simply:

var RndMin = new Random().Next(12,47);
var UtcNow = DateTime.UtcNow.ToShortTimeString();
var UtcExit = DateTime.UtcNow.Date.AddHours(10).AddMinutes(RndMin).ToShortTimeString();

if(UtcNow == UtcExit)
// do stuff

UtcNow is current utc time in HH:mm format
UtcExit is exit time in HH:mm randomized on minutes eg. 10:38 because we dont want to exit everyday on very same minute, do we?

Because we know exactly when DT is (11:00 UTC) we just pick our exit Time (UtcExit) and then compare actual UTC with our exitUTC. If they match → do stuff, if not, ignore

There is no need to check today, tomorrow, current or anything else.


good for you, you tested your code?
**if you don’t understand some shitty basic math it doesn’t mean the maths are wrong

you do not regret because you have clients who ask this feature.

yeah right, regret is real

sorry to bother m8

I don’t know about your regrets, but I can see you like spamming other posts due to boring all day or some ego’s echoes :slight_smile: :slight_smile: don’t worry, you’ll stay alone here because I will not keep posting.

you seems to be bit rude to my liking for no reason, but do what you need to :wink:

I promised at somebody to upload this picture.

keep updated!

It’s your turn to lose some ships :))
Who accept the challenge to lose some ships, say it here and try the updated bot
after 1-2 days repost here your result to take the second reward( big big thanks :)) )
** valid offer until next update

testing latest version. seems bot is not prioritizing ewar frigs anymore.

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it doesnt make clik on them or it doesnt send drones?
comment like that: ( but will change the ewar targets often, again)

        else if ( null != EWarSelected) // && droneInLocalSpaceIdle)
            //Host.Log("drones change to ewar target"); // it was for debug
            Host.Log("Some nasty rats, engaging them ");

And I saw with the tethering stuffs he try to warp home first, when you search anomaly (Im working at that)
did you tried the havens?
** and the reward :)) thank you for feedbacks

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