No route found in info panel?

Anyone know how to fix the travel part of the bot? It spams no route found in info panel worked fine yesterday. Perhaps CCP updated something in the code " var Measurement = Sanderling?.MemoryMeasurementParsed?.Value;" ? It doesn’t seem to be able to read the info panel anymore.

I am also having this problem, have you found a fix for it?

“TimeDateTimeIntraDayCal”: “23-44-45”,
“TimeDateTimeIntraSecMilliString”: “439”,
“CaptionString”: “RuntimeException: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: preparedBot\r\n at BotSharp.CodeAnalysis.Compilation.PreparedForOperation…ctor(Compilation compilation, Func2 prepareBotForOperationService)\r\n at BotSharp.CodeAnalysis.Compilation.PrepareBotForOperation(Func2 prepareBotForOperationService)\r\n at BotSharp.ScriptRun.ScriptRun.Start(IScriptRunClient client, Task1 compilationTask, Func2 prepareBotForOperationService, Boolean pausing, Func`2 callbackBreakpointInitialEnabled)”,
“LineIndex”: null,
“CharacterIndexInLine”: null,
“LineIndexInAvalonEdit”: null,
“CharacterIndexInLineInAvalonEdit”: null

you have missed a value at a string. reading my divination ball it says … hmmmm maybe a declared string.
Of course, if you say what script you use, if you give some more information, my divination ball could be more precise

Yes, this can be fixed by using a newer version of the Sanderling app, you can download it from