How to modify mine.ore.cs for mining to enormous freight container and approach to container not to ore?
also how to active 3 Strip Miner?
How to modify mine.ore.cs for mining to enormous freight container and approach to container not to ore?
also how to active 3 Strip Miner?
I don’t know of a way to have the ore transferred directly to the freight container. First we need to know how this can be achieved by interacting with the eve online UI. If it cannot be done using the UI, then the bot cannot do it.
For the approaching part, we can use the context menu for the overview entry. For this we first need to identify the correct entry. For example if this is the only entry with the type “enormous freight container”, we can use this code to get the entry:
var freightContainerEntry = WindowOverview?.ListView?.Entry ?.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry?.Type?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase("enormous freight container") ?? false);
Then we can approach it using the following code:
ClickMenuEntryOnMenuRoot(freightContainerEntry, "approach");
for mining to enormous freight container
What about first mining to ore hold and then transferring the ore from the ore hold to the enormous freight container? Is this an option?
Thank you for the fast answer and yes
mining first to ore hold and after when is full transfer to the freight container on the site/gird
Thank you for the fast answer and yes
mining first to ore hold and after when is full transfer to the freight container on the site/gird
I would try to implement it by expanding the “MainStep” method where it checks for “UnloadInSpace”. In this location I would add a call to a method which has the job of making the destination container available in the inventory window:
if (UnloadInSpace) { Host.Delay(4444); OpenCargoOfDestinationContainer(UnloadDestContainerName); InInventoryUnloadItems(); }
To achieve this, the method identifies the container in the overview (the same way I showed earlier) and then opens a menu on the entry and click the “open cargo” menu entry. I assume that this will also make your ship approach the container if it is not in range yet. This is repeated (while-loop) as long as there is no entry for the destination container in the inventory:
void OpenCargoOfDestinationContainer(string destinationContainerLabel) { while(true) { var destContInventoryEntry = WindowInventory?.LeftTreeListEntry?.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry?.Text?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase(destinationContainerLabel) ?? false); var destContOverviewEntry = WindowOverview?.ListView?.Entry ?.FirstOrDefault(entry => entry?.Type?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase(destinationContainerLabel) ?? false); if(null != destContInventoryEntry) return; ClickMenuEntryOnMenuRoot(destContOverviewEntry, "open cargo"); Host.Delay(3333); } }