The latest version broke this reload function for some reason. No clue why.
It right click and open the context menu but do not select anything in the menu. It just keeps right clicking.
Every other use of useContextMenuCascade seems to be fine except for this one.
reload : BotDecisionContext -> SeeUndockingComplete -> DecisionPathNode
reload context seeUndockingComplete =
case seeUndockingComplete |> shipUIModulesToActivateOnTarget |> List.head of
Nothing ->
Just weaponToReload ->
case getDescendantWithDisplayText "25" weaponToReload.uiNode of
Nothing ->
describeBranch "Lets reload."
( "Weapons", weaponToReload.uiNode )
(useMenuEntryWithTextContaining "Reload all" menuCascadeCompleted)
Just _ ->
It seems like such an easy fix but I cannot find what is wrong.
even (useMenuEntryWithTextEqual "Reload all" menuCascadeCompleted) fails
Also added EveOnline.AppFrameworkSeparatingMemory.setMillisecondsToNextReadingFromGameBase 3333 to see if the delay would help but it does not change anything.
After more testing, I was able to make it work by modifying this line: if not cascadeFirstElementIsCloseToInitialUIElement then
if cascadeFirstElementIsCloseToInitialUIElement then
Still not sure what it is doing but its progress.
Fixed it for now by commenting out:
cascadeFirstElementIsCloseToInitialUIElement =
cornersFromDisplayRegion cascadeFirstElement.uiNode.totalDisplayRegion
|> List.any
(\corner ->
doesPointIntersectRegion corner
(initialUIElement.totalDisplayRegion |> growRegionOnAllSides 10)
if not cascadeFirstElementIsCloseToInitialUIElement then