I have sank a few hours into learning about this tool and I have hit a brick wall. I can get the catalogue sample bots working through the github batch files, but want to work locally.
I understand how the catalogue works, but want to design my own bots. My first go at this will be a simple belt ratting bot, to learn.
My questions are:
How do I download a sample ratting script (Anomaly ratter?) to modify locally?
What is the relationship between “Sanderling” and Botengine? Sanderling executables do not seem to work at all?
Is this platform still viable and maintained?
Why are some of the older bots I find in the forums in .cs formatting where the samples are Elm?
Does a simple belt ratter exist already and I am trying to reinvent the wheel?
Thanks in advance for a nudge in the right direction!
To run an app from local files, change the file path in the botengine run command to point to your local directory. The other arguments to the command work the same as in a batch file downloaded from the catalog.
Many Sanderling users also use Botengine. There are popular Botengine example projects that use Sanderling. You also find those in the ‘App Examples’ section in the overview of guides. There are frameworks for EVE Online that integrate Sanderling, for example, Framework 18df9a0e97.
We used the C# script language to build bots before 2019. For C#, we used that filename extension .cs
I guess an anomaly ratting bot like cfbd42c0d1 contains most of the functionality already. To travel to asteroid belts, you could insert functions from a mining bot. That should cover it already. Just remove the part of the policy that tries to use the probe scanner and replace it with the travel to belt function.
A quick look at more recent history has some indications:
In August, we got new functionality around time travel and simulations.
In December, I expanded the engine to support multi-instance scenarios.
Your question made me realize maybe I should report more frequently about the developments? Let’s look at what is happening now: This month focuses on advancing the compilation interface to support the integration of files from your project state. These changes benefit mainly developers by reducing the effort required for automated testing and detecting problems earlier. More specifically, we target testing in the middle of the testing pyramid. Those tests are less integrated than full-app simulation but more integrated than the simple tests wholly modeled in the programming language’s syntax. In these cases, you often use training data based on images to check your program code for problems. The new compilation interface helps you integrate those files into your tests.