includeClickableAsteroid criteria

I’m adding a filter for certain types of asteroids, and it works with one item but with either space or comma separated values, it isn’t picking it up - if I want to filter multiple asteroid types, how do I do this?

Welcome Alan :wave:

So an example would be you want to include both “Veldspar” and “Scordite”.

Here is how you could do that:
First, declare a function like this to support filtering:

type alias BotSettings =
    { includeAsteroidPatterns : List String

asteroidOverviewEntryMatchesSettings : BotSettings -> OverviewWindowEntry -> Bool
asteroidOverviewEntryMatchesSettings settings overviewEntry =
        textMatchesPattern text =
            (settings.includeAsteroidPatterns == [])
                || (settings.includeAsteroidPatterns
                        |> List.any (\pattern -> String.contains (String.toLower pattern) (String.toLower text))
        |> Dict.values
        |> List.any textMatchesPattern

Then, in the place where you want to use the criteria, apply that function like this:

asteroidOverviewEntryMatchesSettings { includeAsteroidPatterns = [ "Veldspar", "Scordite" ] }

When you have a concrete list to filter, coming from an overview window, you can combine it with List.filter:

    (asteroidOverviewEntryMatchesSettings { includeAsteroidPatterns = [ "Veldspar", "Scordite" ] })

Is it possible to have all improved variants of the ores selected and then giving priorities like dense Veldpsar 1 concentrated 2 and so on or is it possible to just exclude ores from mining


How do you distinguish these when looking into your game client? Does the text in the ‘Name’ column in the overview differ?
You certainly can prioritize based on what you see in the game client.
For example, you could use the objectName or objectType fields in the overview entry.

Any news how to implement that im no programmer myself and id like to to smth like dense>concentrated>Veldspar

There is no programming needed, we just need the data from the game client.
When you send me a play session export from the setup you have in mind I can make a bot that works for your setup.