I want to add Korean support on eve online bot. What should I do?

The usual way to work with multiple game client windows is to use one bot for each game client instance. For EVE Online, there are two different kinds of clients: The classic (fat) client and the ‘EVE Anywhere’ web-based client. With the classic client, you use the input focus scheduling to have the bot take turns for input focus.
There is a guide on running multiple bots at the same at https://to.botlab.org/guide/running-bots-on-multiple-game-clients
And there is this one specifically on input focus scheduling: https://to.botlab.org/guide/input-focus-scheduling-for-multiple-bot-instances

So the way that the autopilot works is when client A arrives at the destination, then client B?

That is your choice to make. If you want to wait for client A to arrive first, you can do it that way. Another way to autopilot is to let A and B travel simultaneously. If you are unsure what to choose, here is the mainstream way: Most people let both instances travel in parallel.
How does that work? The reason is that sending inputs to the game only needs a small fraction of the total time. Most time, you wait for progress in the game, just watching. Especially for autopilot, you will need less than 10 % of the time for input.
In EVE Online, you can initiate, for example, warping to the next gate with two mouse clicks in the game client. You can do that in less than a second, but your ship will need several seconds to warp to the gate and jump. So most people start to warp in client A and then start warp in client B. The result is you see both characters moving at the same time.

Bots only automate the playing, so the process works the same with bots as with human players. The input focus scheduling functionality in the botlab client supports the communication between different bots so that they do not accidentally interfere with each other’s actions. (Keep in mind that some people use entirely different bots simultaneously. For example, an autopilot and a mining bot. So there is no fixed relation between the actions of different bots running in parallel)

When I run two autopilot bots, they all select only the main window.
How can I make one bot choose another window?

When you use autopilot bot 54ea2cb4bf, you can do that by making the corresponding game client window topmost during the start of each bot. Here is the process in detail for two game clients:

  • Select the window of game client A with your mouse, so it is in front of all other windows on your desktop.
  • Start bot instance A (using bot 54ea2cb4bf) and wait until the bot has selected the window.
  • Pause bot instance A.
  • Select the window of game client B with your mouse, so it is in front of all other windows on your desktop.
  • Start bot instance B (using bot 54ea2cb4bf) and wait until the bot has selected the window.

(The order in which you started the game clients is not relevant. It also does not matter if you had a different bot running on a game client window.)

Now I understand how.
Thank you!

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