How to find and handle Bookmarkwindow / Bookmark in elm


my fav problem is an elm part for my bookmarks

to do: i need the windows GetWindowOther or the understanding how to

get it from myplaces → maincontainer → content → headerparent

time ago i made a function like that

/* BookMarkActionBlock ---

	- home bm
	- unload if nessesary

public bool BookMarkAction(string strBookmark, string BookMarkWindow, string strOrder )
	myGTFOElement	=	null;
	var tempWindowOther = GetWindowOther(BookMarkWindow);
	var Max0 = tempWindowOther.Region.Max0;
	if ( tempWindowOther !=null)
			IUIElementText tempTest = tempWindowOther?.LabelText?.FirstOrDefault(w=> (w?.Text.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase(@strBookmark, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ?? false));
			Sanderling.MotionExecute(MouseClickWithRegionSubstituted(tempTest,RectInt.FromMinPointAndMaxPoint(new Vektor2DInt (tempTest.Region.Min0,tempTest.Region.Min1), new Vektor2DInt(tempWindowOther.Region.Max0,tempTest.Region.Max1)),BotEngine.Motor.MouseButtonIdEnum.Right));
			var Menu = Measurement?.Menu?.FirstOrDefault();
			var MenuEntry = Menu?.EntryFirstMatchingRegexPattern(strOrder, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
			myGTFOElement = tempTest;
			return true;
			Host.Log("BookMarkAction Error");
			return false;
	return false;

static MotionParam MouseClickWithRegionSubstituted(IUIElement destination, RectInt region, MouseButtonIdEnum mouseButton,	int repetitionCount = 0) =>
	new MotionParam
		MouseListWaypoint = new[] { new MotionParamMouseRegion { UIElement = destination, RegionReplacementAbsolute = region, } },
		MouseButton = new[] { mouseButton },
		MouseButtonRepetitionCount = repetitionCount,
/**---BookMarkActionBlock */

Sincerly Tea

Where can we see a screenshot of the part you are interested in?

What do you want to get from there?