How can I use the new scenario?

Thank you for your kind reply every time.
How can I use the new scenario you modified?


The last scenario I had was the August 14th version and I’m still doing orbiting.


I would appreciate it if you let me know.

If you download code to your computer, then edit BotEngineApp.elm with this:

ensureShipIsOrbiting : ShipUI -> OverviewWindowEntry -> Maybe DecisionPathNode
ensureShipIsOrbiting shipUI overviewEntryToOrbit =
    if (shipUI.indication |> Maybe.andThen .maneuverType) == Just EveOnline.ParseUserInterface.ManeuverOrbit then

                    ( "Press the 'W' key and click on the overview entry."
                    , [ [ EffectOnWindow.KeyDown EffectOnWindow.vkey_W ]
                      , overviewEntryToOrbit.uiNode |> clickOnUIElement MouseButtonLeft
                      , [ EffectOnWindow.KeyUp EffectOnWindow.vkey_W ]
                        |> List.concat

And Repalce with

ensureShipIsOrbiting : ShipUI -> OverviewWindowEntry -> Maybe DecisionPathNode
ensureShipIsOrbiting shipUI overviewEntryToOrbit =
    if (shipUI.indication |> Maybe.andThen .maneuverType) == Just EveOnline.ParseUserInterface.ManeuverOrbit then

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Thanks for your kind response.
But I still don’t understand.

Looking at the *.bat file, it tries to run the file in the following path.

bots/implement/applications/eve-online/eve-online-combat-anomaly-bot at 95178b9233710d335eedcaf7bd2ac31fffce280f · Viir/bots · GitHub

How do I change the *.bat file if I download and edit the file on my computer and run it?

Just change the link to eve-online-combat-anomaly-bot if you let bat file and eve-online-combat-anomaly-bot folder in same folder