I have just updated the Botengine and tried to run a mining bot but got the following response: running bot e56fc37451… using client v2021-09-17 failed with exception: System.Exception: Failed compiling the bot program code: Failed to find the file with the entry point. Seems like the ‘Bot.elm’ file is missing in this program code file tree.
at BotLab.Client.RunBotSession.Run(TreeWithStringPath botCodeTree, Func2 getFileFromHashSHA256, String appProcessRecordingDirectory, Action
1 logEntry, Action1 addSessionLogEntry, String botSettings, String sessionCustomName, AppSourceStructure botSource, String keyToStartOnlineSession, IEnumerable
1 sessionLengthLimits, IImmutableList1 pauseBotKeys, IImmutableList
1 statusDisplayAdditionLines, RunSimulation simulation, InterProcessCommunicationState interProcessCommunication, Action2 updateDisplayText) at BotLab.Client.RunBotSession.RunWithDisplayInDotnetConsole(TreeWithStringPath botCodeTree, Func
2 getFileFromHashSHA256, String appProcessRecordingDirectory, Action1 logEntry, Action
1 addSessionLogEntry, String botSettings, String sessionCustomName, AppSourceStructure botSource, String keyToStartOnlineSession, IEnumerable1 sessionLengthLimits, IImmutableList
1 pauseBotKeys, IImmutableList1 statusDisplayAdditionLines, RunSimulation simulation, InterProcessCommunicationState interProcessCommunication) at BotLab.Client.ClientProgram.runBotWithOptionsFromCommandLine(String botSourceInputAddress, String botSettings, String pauseBotKeysString, Boolean onlineSession, String keyToStartOnlineSession, String sessionLengthLimitArgumentString, RunSimulation simulation, Nullable
1 detailedSessionRecording). Is there a solution?
Welcome Gathrin, sorry for the delay.
Yes, e56fc37451 is not compatible with the latest botlab client. The solution is to use Bot bf7c351ea5 from https://catalog.botlab.org/bf7c351ea55f34b581ca23a568fd55dd896b92fe888296acc7688eabda1b8240
Many thanks for your response Michael. I will try it shortly.
Unfortunately, that bot does not work with an Orca which uses mining Drones only and not mining Lasers. The Bot cannot send drones to the target ore and mine. However, it does at least activate.
I have no idea about programming and cannot get my head around it despite many years of trying (a problem of being Deslyxic) so, if anybody can create a Bot specifically for the Orca that works on the latest Botlab client, I am sure many other numskulls like me would really appreciate it.
Yes, bf7c351ea5 only does Orca mining as done by @Mactastic08 and @annar_731.
For other approaches, you’d use another program code.
No worries, no idea of programming is necessary to make progress. The first step is to describe how your approach to mining is different.