Can we interact with everything we see in devtools dumps?

Your replies are so in-dept. I like the explanations provided, really makes it easier to understand and incorporate in other projects.

It worked flawlessly.


Is it possible you haven’t had a session with subgroup of drones? They show up starting with entry_1 in the ui tree.

I have another question that will show how clueless I am.

We have this function that calls the modified launchDrones in mining bot.

travelToMiningSiteAndLaunchDronesAndTargetAsteroid : BotDecisionContext -> DecisionPathNode
travelToMiningSiteAndLaunchDronesAndTargetAsteroid context =
    case context.readingFromGameClient |> topmostAsteroidFromOverviewWindow of
        Nothing ->
            describeBranch "I see no asteroid in the overview. Warp to mining site."
                (returnDronesToBay context.readingFromGameClient
                    |> Maybe.withDefault
                        (warpToMiningSite context.readingFromGameClient)

        Just asteroidInOverview ->
            describeBranch ("Choosing asteroid '" ++ (asteroidInOverview.objectName |> Maybe.withDefault "Nothing") ++ "'")
                (warpToOverviewEntryIfFarEnough context asteroidInOverview
                    |> Maybe.withDefault
                        (launchDrones context.readingFromGameClient
                            |> Maybe.withDefault
                                    (min context.eventContext.appSettings.targetingRange

If I wanted to re-order the logic so that launchDrones is called after lockTargetFromOverviewEntryAndEnsureIsInRange, how would I figure it out?