BotEngine client keeps crashing

This just started in the last couple of days.

Fire up an online session. Use the warp-to-zero bot (latest version). Runs for a couple of minutes then the BotEngine client crashes. Windows 10 PC (will never upgrade to 11).

Worked fine until Tuesday ish.

I did notice there was a new version (11/05). Downloaded that but same behaviour.


You can send the session logs to then I can check it.

Done. File was a bit large so its an Icloud mail drop

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Thank you, I got the file.

I am seeing this error in the logs:

[…] There is not enough space on the disk

The crash might have happened due to a failure to write to the filesystem.

The log looks like there is a problem that causes unecessary inclusion of screenshots in the detailed session log, and that makes it much larger than usual.

Will need to investigate this further.

Yep, the disk that it is on is full. Dunno how that happened but I can clear that up.

Thanks for looking.

I found the problem in the framework for EVE Online bots that was causing unecessarily large recordings and updated the examples to fix that: