Bot not working with new engine?

I tried to run the local watch bot. I downloaded and installed the actual botlab.exe and started with the command line from the configurator:

botengine.exe run --online-session --detailed-session-recording=off bots/implement/applications/eve-online/eve-online-local-watch-intel-tool at 03b0ff4f64d336ac690e10632ed0fbced491ac27 · Viir/bots · GitHub

I’m getting the following error. What could I do?

C:\Users\Frank>botlab.exe run --online-session --detailed-session-recording=off bots/implement/applications/eve-online/eve-online-local-watch at 050f25447f23ad7fb6f2335b23fb83653d273c04 · Viir/bots · GitHub
I am recording a log of this session to file ‘C:\Users\Frank\AppData\Local\botlab\bot-session\2021-09-19T00-19-08-cef890\session.2021-09-19T00-19-08-cef890.jsonl’
This path looks like a URL into a remote git repository. Trying to load from there…
This path points to commit 050f25447f23ad7fb6f2335b23fb83653d273c04
Participants from commit 050f25447f23ad7fb6f2335b23fb83653d273c04:
Author: Michael Rätzel
Committer: Michael Rätzel
Loaded composition 679bcfc28f69e3e057be6e91b501b8656c4bc95e78004c4047e6f5e2921b73da
I found 16 files in this artifact.
I loaded bot 679bcfc28f69e3e057be6e91b501b8656c4bc95e78004c4047e6f5e2921b73da.
I got an online session key. I ask the server to test this key. This might take a few seconds…
Looks like this key works, I continue to start the app in an online session…
Starting the bot…

running bot 679bcfc28f… using client v2021-09-17 failed with exception: System.Exception: Failed compiling the bot program code: Failed to find the file with the entry point. Seems like the ‘Bot.elm’ file is missing in this program code file tree.
at BotLab.Client.RunBotSession.Run(TreeWithStringPath botCodeTree, Func2 getFileFromHashSHA256, String appProcessRecordingDirectory, Action1 logEntry, Action1 addSessionLogEntry, String botSettings, String sessionCustomName, AppSourceStructure botSource, String keyToStartOnlineSession, IEnumerable1 sessionLengthLimits, IImmutableList1 pauseBotKeys, IImmutableList1 statusDisplayAdditionLines, RunSimulation simulation, InterProcessCommunicationState interProcessCommunication, Action2 updateDisplayText) at BotLab.Client.RunBotSession.RunWithDisplayInDotnetConsole(TreeWithStringPath botCodeTree, Func2 getFileFromHashSHA256, String appProcessRecordingDirectory, Action1 logEntry, Action1 addSessionLogEntry, String botSettings, String sessionCustomName, AppSourceStructure botSource, String keyToStartOnlineSession, IEnumerable1 sessionLengthLimits, IImmutableList1 pauseBotKeys, IImmutableList1 statusDisplayAdditionLines, RunSimulation simulation, InterProcessCommunicationState interProcessCommunication) at BotLab.Client.ClientProgram.runBotWithOptionsFromCommandLine(String botSourceInputAddress, String botSettings, String pauseBotKeysString, Boolean onlineSession, String keyToStartOnlineSession, String sessionLengthLimitArgumentString, RunSimulation simulation, Nullable1 detailedSessionRecording)

Thank you for the finding.
Yes, that bot does not work with botlab client version 2021-08-23 or newer.
I combined that bot with the newer framework to create a new bot here: Merge framework 2021-08-25 into Local Watch Bot · Viir/bots@eeb0958 · GitHub

This one runs with the latest botlab client:

Thank you!!! 20 letters to complete :wink:

I updated the local watch bot for EVE Online to work with the new notifications framework here:

You can run the new local monitor with notification sounds from