Bot function target priority?

No problem. To adapt it to your use case, I need you to point out where the bot you tested did something different than what you want.
If you have issues finding the session again, what do you see on the session view that you linked earlier? It should show the name that lets you identify the session. Did that not work for you?

I think that for the bot to work in all circumstances. It should be able to target targets from the smallest to the largest frigates to bS. While making a refrfesh at each spawn to check this parameter and be able to change target even if another is already engaged. Thus the promblem of the anti-warp frigates is settled. Is it possible to program this?

Yes, it can be programmed based on examples. The next step would be for you or someone else with experience in EVE Online to give an example where the bot did not yet do that.

The index of the agent event in a session recording is enough to identify such an instance, although you can go into more detail if you want.
You see the event index right of the label “Agent Event [” in the session event view in devtools. It is also the same number as shown on the representation of the event in the timeline.
You can see the index highlighted in this screenshot:

You can also enter multiple examples at the same time.

Obviously, supports are high priority to kill, because they’re the backbone of a team, but target prioritization is summed up by: Attack who you get the most value attacking. Someone’s low HP? Them. Start of a round and you can only see Nando? Shoot his shield. You hear talus ulting your support/backline? Help them out by shooting the talus. Etc.