Autopilot bot throwing SystemException

Happened today with every version of the autopilot bot. Previously used the July version, but now also crashes with the latest August version.


App ee80b78077… in session ‘’ (‘2020-08-26T07-31-02-a81d8a181f34’) is running. Press SHIFT + CTRL + ALT keys to pause the app.
run v2020-06-10 failed with exception: System.Exception: Failed to process app event.
—> System.Exception: App reported decode error: Failed to deserialize event: Problem with the given value:

“ArrivedAtTime”: {
“timeInMilliseconds”: 8056

Expecting an OBJECT with a field named timeInMilliseconds
at BotEngine.Windows.Console.RunAppSession.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.g__processBotEvent|12(BotEvent botEvent) in D:\a\dev-of-botengine\dev-of-botengine\implement\client\windows-console\BotEngine.Windows.Console\RunAppSession.cs:line 415
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at BotEngine.Windows.Console.RunAppSession.<>c__DisplayClass4_0.g__processBotEvent|12(BotEvent botEvent) in D:\a\dev-of-botengine\dev-of-botengine\implement\client\windows-console\BotEngine.Windows.Console\RunAppSession.cs:line 445
at BotEngine.Windows.Console.RunAppSession.Run(TreeComponent botCode, Func2 getFileFromHashSHA256, String processStoreDirectory, Action1 logEntry, Action1 logProcessBotEventReport, String appSettings, String sessionCustomName, String botSource, String keyToStartOnlineSession, Int32 sessionLengthLimitInMinutes, IImmutableList1 pauseAppKeys, IImmutableList`1 statusDisplayAdditionLines) in D:\a\dev-of-botengine\dev-of-botengine\implement\client\windows-console\BotEngine.Windows.Console\RunAppSession.cs:line 576
at BotEngine.Windows.Console.BotEngine.runAppWithOptionsFromCommandLine(String appSource, String appSettings, String pauseAppKeysString, Boolean onlineSession, String keyToStartOnlineSession, String sessionLengthLimitArgumentString, Boolean disableLogToFile) in D:\a\dev-of-botengine\dev-of-botengine\implement\client\windows-console\BotEngine.Windows.Console\Program.cs:line 513
[2020-08-26T07-31-14] v2020-06-10 Session ended.

For app ee80b78077 and other newer apps, you need a newer version of the botengine for Windows.
In the error message I see you used v2020-06-10. That one cannot run App ee80b78077.
You need engine version 2020-08-24 or newer for this app.
To install the newest version, see bots/guide/ at main · Viir/bots · GitHub

(You still can run older apps with the version that you already have. No need to upgrade unless you want to use newer apps.)

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Awesome thank you very much!