Hi. Im new to botengine. Im tried it and it working great. But maybe if we add some things it will be better. I dont know how to code but there is my idea:
If ( Enemy or Neutral show up in Local Chat) then
Return Drone and Go dock in structure #null sec dont have npc station
I agree it is great and these 2 ideas would make it much better! you need the bot to dock when enemies arrive in local or you will die and leave anomaly sites that already have a friendly in them…
I am new to BotEngine as well and dont know much but I also have an idea to add to his that I think would be VERY useful to others using it…
Can you add an additional feature that checks for an enemy name in the rat site or overview that you specify so that it adds the anomaly to the ignore list and skips it to try and find another?
maybe something like
if (OverviewName = “Sentry”) then
RightClick ProbeScanner “Ignore Result”
and return drones and Dock
else (continue
Sometimes when you enter an anomaly that you can usually do no problem there is a chance it has enemies that are too strong and the bot needs to detect those enemy names you specify and avoid the anomalies they are in…
Yes! Exactly! implementing something like Brian said I feel would improve the quality of this bot a lot because without these functions the bot still requires a lot of monitoring to make sure it doesn’t run into these problems we mentioned
Look like IF ( anomaly sites that already have a friendly in them) is not working. Tested few sites and if there are already have a friendly in them, bot still do the ratting without Go next anomaly sites
Yea I notice now it doesn’t have the local chat enemy watch code in it…the 3 of these features (dock when enemy in local, warp to new anomaly on friendly detected and warp to new anomaly on rat name detected) together would improve this bot a lot
If the overview doesn’t display “friendly” as a string maybe you can change the code to detect objectType = ship and it’s color is blue Then that’s a friendly
I don’t know if that would help but I see you have code that says what color a rat is
Here is error i got when try to combine LocalWatch with version 2020-06-18 BrianCorner https://justpaste.it/4z7l7
For (anomaly sites that already have a friendly in them) i make it work by adding this to ParseUserInterface.elm
This under parseOverviewWindowEntry : List
Thank for translated it into app code, i make it work in local already. Im just viewed version you made 2 hours ago. It still dont have localwatch Add some new features to Anomalies bot
Can you reuse what you made to that new version ?
So final version will be:
If ( Enemy or Neutral show up in Local Chat)
Then (Go dock in structure #null sec dont have npc station)
If ( anomaly sites that already have a friendly in them) or ( OverviewName = “Some rat name”)
Then ( Ignore Result current site #To avoid come back ) and (go next anomaly sites)
If ( no matching anomaly )
then (Go dock in structure #null sec dont have npc station) #i was get killed because of floating on space to wait new site to appear
New problem: if we in anomally site and an ally warp in. It warp to next site too. We only need to check if ally was in site right after warp in. Not while doing rat.
About the NAMING ERROR that you saw when you tried to merge the useContextMenuOnListSurroundingsButton from the older version:
I resolved this problem by copying the function from the latest mining bot instead. The mining bot uses the same framework, all files except BotEngineApp.elm are the same. The helper functions to use the context menu cascade evolved since your earlier branch, so I took useContextMenuOnListSurroundingsButton from the latest mining bot instead of from your older branch.