Hard time with types in scan view

Thank you for the feedback. I am aggregating this feedback at Sanderling Development Tasks

To get an idea how to get this reference, I look at a known working implementation which selects anomaly entries from the probe scanner window.
So I found the code at:

This code is using two strings:

  • To select which of the columns in the ListView in the probe scanner window to read. In this case Group.
  • Then the string which is interpreted as regex pattern to match the cell content. In this case combat

To copy this into the Sanderling IDE, I need to make an adjustment to account for getting to the Interface namespace.

You can use the following code in the Sanderling IDE to pick your entry:

static public bool AnomalySuitable(Sanderling.Interface.MemoryStruct.IListEntry scanResult) =>
	scanResult?.CellValueFromColumnHeader("Type")?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase("Patrol|Horde") ?? false;

Sanderling.Interface.MemoryStruct.IListEntry BonneAnomalie =
