Farm Manager - Tribal Wars 2 Farmbot

For these parameters to be recognized, you need to add them to the bot-settings string.
Here is an excerpt from the description of 8e48898051:

When using more than one setting, start a new line for each setting in the text input field.

Followint that guide, I made this complete settings string for you:

number-of-farm-cycles = 3
break-duration = 20 - 40
open-website-on-start =

Here is a direct link to a script with these settings:

When you run this, you get this:

(In this case, we can also see easily that the parameters where propagated correctly, because 8e48898051 happens to print them in the status text.)

I also have an idea to make the process to discover working settings easier: Probably, there will be a text box in which you can type a settings string and get feedback within three seconds after changing the settings string. Then you could also see if the format works for the loaded bot and the whole response of the bot for this settings string.

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Great! That format works , thank you so much!

Anyone wants to share their best setup/preset & settings using the bot with villa of 20+?

Hello Michael,

Is there a farm bot for MacOS system ?

None that I am aware of.
The easiest way I know for macOS is to use a cloud PC like
The virtual PCs they offer are optimized for gamers and thus require nearly zero effort for setup.

Another option for macOS is using parallels:

Wondering if this is still in the road map for this bot. Is it possible for it to skip a village that has a maxed warehouse? It would check every cycle when it tries to send a preset from that village. The game world are smaller than usual, so no a lot of Barbarian village to farm.

Example full warehouse is this

Hello @Drklord, thank you for sharing your experience.
Yes, I still think this feature makes sense. But this week, another improvement is in the pipeline for Tribal Wars 2. Recently someone shared a prototype for speeding up the finding of barbarian villages. Now I am looking into integrating the prototype code into the farmbot.

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We succeeded in integrating the map scanning speedup. The result is bot 600654cba5345f30

You can run it from

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Oh, wow this is way faster in searching for barb. Great update!

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Hi , I have a problem , when I start the bot in an online session , it goes through the first 2 cycles no problem but after the 2nd or the 4 th cycle the bot crashes and keeps opening and closing the browser until you shut it down. Can you help me with this thanks

Welcome Tom :wave:

Thank you for sharing your experience. I can look into that problem if you share a session recording from your setup.

Hi , how exacly do you want me to do that i can paste a screen shot of the session from

Hi , i if the session fails i also get a screen like this
Uploading: image.png

You can export the session from your system using this button labeled Download session recording archive:

You can enter the session summary view using the Enter Devtools button in the botlab UI: bots/ at main · Viir/bots · GitHub

hi , as im trying to share the zipp file, anything i try to share in the chat here , says " Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorised (authorised extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, txt, cs)"

Yeah, this forum/chat does not support file sharing.
Many people use Google Drive to share files. (Example Eve Online mining bot not moving after load full ore - #3 by JAC)
Another popular option is attaching the ZIP file to a GitHub issue, as done for example at
You can also send me the ZIP file via email to

Hallo Michael,

ich bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung nach dem starten des Bots:

Failed message to host
Failed to decode response from http://localhost:7400/api/gui/request: The Json.Decode.oneOf at json[0] failed in the following 17 ways:

Die Meldung ist auch ziemlich lang um diese hier zu posten.
Kannst Du mir weiterhelfen?

Vielen Dank im Voraus,
Michael :grinning:

Hallo auch Michael, und Willkommen!

Es fehlen noch ein paar Informationen.
Ein Screenshot aus dem BotLab client posten sollte funktionieren.
Darin werden schon viele hilfreiche Infos drin sein um das Problem einzugrenzen.
Z.B. client version und bot id

Du kannst einen Screenshot vom aktuell im Vordergrund befindlichen Fenster mit der Tastenkombination Alt+Print machen.

EinfĂŒgen eines Screenshots/Bilds sollte hier aus der Windows Zwischenablage heraus in das Texteingabefeld funktionieren.

Hier die client version un bot id:
e521f262ed - Tribal Wars 2 farmbot version 2023-05-16

Hier die Fehlermeldung (leider nur teilweise, da sonst sehr lang):

Ich hoffe das ist ausreichend um das Problem einzugrenzen.

Danke fĂŒr das Update, das hilft schon mal weiter.

Ganz genau kann ich es bisher leider nicht erkennen was die Ursache ist. Es kann sein das die Details dazu in dem Logfile in dem Verzeichnis %localappdata%/botlab/local-instance zu finden sind.
Schicke mir gerne mal das Log file aus dieser Session an (Dieses File wird beim starten des tribal-wars-2-farmbot.exe erstellt, nicht erst mit einer play session)

Die Fehlermeldung könnte daher stammen das eine Ă€ltere Play Session nicht gelesen werden kann. Die Daten aus Ă€lteren Play Session sind jedoch hier nur fĂŒr VervollstĂ€ndigungsvorschlĂ€ge, und damit nicht unbedingt nötig.

Du kannst diese Fehlermeldung einfach entfernen, durch klick aud das X auf der rechten Seite.
Er zeigt hier zwei Meldungen, daher werden zwei Klicks erforderlich sein.

Danach solltest du den Bot normal benutzen können.