EVE Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release

@thesaltonsea: this button should enable the current system info panel. The bot clicks there when it does not see this info panel. This task has priority over entering anomalies because the info panel is used to navigate to bookmarks.

Can you see the Current System Info Panels Object in the API Explorer of the Sanderling executable?

Maybe localization affects the visibility, therefore I suggest you try to set the UI language to english.


Downloaded the latest branch (the one with the anomaly config file)

Localazition is set to english… all the bot does is click on the sun icon

the InfoPanelCurrentSystem shows up in the api explorer

expanding that menu I get the Show info,Astroid Belts,Planets,Stargates Submenu.

I have added a bookmark to the combat site

It makes no difference all the program does is click on the sun  opens the menu and loops

Are we talking about the same CurrentSystem info panel?

the one I am looking at comes after InfoPanelButtonIncursions and before InfoPanelRoute in the api viewer


Maniac, I am not sure what you have on the eve client screen. There can be multiple sun icons. Which one is the bot clicking on? What happens in the eve client when this icon is clicked?

I believe the tool tip says list items in solar system.

it left clicks on that shows that menu the showinfo on top with the astroids,planets,stargates, submenu, and then nothing it loops for like 4 seconds and tries again it does not select anything from the submenu it tries to click again moving around the original click point (this is up in the top left corner where the system name, Route, and Opporturnities icons are.

the submenu has Show info followed by a menu separator then Astroid Belts,and others with a menu separator before and after Personal Locations at the bottom of this menu is the Configure option.

The program hangs never selecting any of the menu items.

Thanks … and sorry for being such a pain in the arse.

Ok, given this observation, the bot might simply be executing the retreat task: https://github.com/botengine-de/A-Bot/blob/b154fbf854a783c8f0a85bb22a48a98f5c7e7cdf/src/Sanderling.ABot/Bot/Task/Retreat.cs#L22-L27 to save the ship (and implants) from hostile players.

The bot attempts to dock/warp to the configured retreat bookmark when all of these conditions are met:

  • the security level of the current system is not greater or equal to 0.5
  • the participant list of the local chat has a scrollbar or shows a number of participants which have no good standing which is not equal to one.

You can see these conditions coded at https://github.com/botengine-de/A-Bot/blob/b154fbf854a783c8f0a85bb22a48a98f5c7e7cdf/src/Sanderling.ABot/Bot/Task/SaveShip.cs#L49

The security level is read from the current system info panel.

So the questions I have about your setup are:

  • What does the current system info panel look like?
  • What does the local chat window look like?
  • Do you have configured a reatreat bookmark?

When I run the bot the bot continue to right click on th “list items in solar system” without do nothing

Still same problem here, im with english windows 10 64bit , i wil try with old laptop with win7 later today.

One more question - where is the bot warping when a neutral get in to the sistem ? i have a safe spot in the system, but do i need to configure somehow the name of the bookmark or something like that ?

@thesaltonsea and @master: Because the local chat window is not visible, the bot does not know whether there are hostiles and therefore acts if there were hostiles in the system. To prevent an encounter with a hostile player, it attempts to dock/warp to the configured retreat bookmark. Preventing an encounter with a hostile player is of higher priority than ratting, therefore the bot will not warp to an anomaly while a hostile is present.

With the current code, you can only use the bot in systems which are free of hostiles or in highsec.

The chat local is visible, with icons standings too, please can u give the details how to configure the local window?

@thesaltonsea: Yes, you need to configure the name of the bookmark for the safespot. Use the format as follows and write this to a file named “bot.config” and locate it in the directory with the bot executable file.

  "RetreatBookmark": "name of your bookmark as it appears in the list items in solar system menu"

I have made the bot config, now the bot warps to the bookmark and starts again to click on th “list items in solar system” and not doing anything Do i need to add another conf file with BM of anomalies ?

I have tried this bot too, and i have the same Problems like thesaltonsea,

In nullsec, this bot is just warp to the bookmark i have created in bot.config, and start to clicking at the sun icon.

In Hisec this bot work fine

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I still have the same proble, and my Bookmar is an INSTADOCK Bookmark, if I configure it into the config file, what will do the BOT?

However Im still waiting to know what do about the error of “infinite right click” on the “ist items in solar system” without do nothing

@thesaltonsea and @Fairies: From your description, the bot does not like the looks of local and therefore continues to retreat to avoid an encounter with hostiles. In highsec, local is ignored, that is way you see this difference.

I can help you with the set up of eve online if you send me a snapshot of the memory measurement from the time you can observe the problem taken by the sanderling tool which you can find at https://github.com/Arcitectus/Sanderling/releases

I wrote a guide for saving the memory measurement to a file at http://forum.botlab.org/thread/saving-memory-measurements-from-sanderling-to-file/

With the snapshot, I can look for the difference between your setup and the one I tested with.

It seems that sometimes, the caption of the local chat window does not contain the square brackets. I made a change to the bot to account for this observation. You can find the updated version of the bot at https://github.com/botengine-de/A-Bot/commit/0a07d5409ad49be59e9afcb6a94873d36279074a

How to download the updated .exe ? I dont see the Release folder.

@Arcitectus I finded the error, A-Bot was not able to reconize correctly the various entry, I fixed this with this change:

I changed this:

static public bool IsNeutralOrEnemy(this MemoryStruct.IChatParticipantEntry participantEntry) =>
!(participantEntry?.FlagIcon?.Any(flagIcon =>
new { “good standing”, “excellent standing”, “Pilot is in your (fleet|corporation)”, }
.Any(goodStandingText => flagIcon?.HintText?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase(goodStandingText) ?? false)) ?? false);

Whit this:

static public bool IsNeutralOrEnemy(this MemoryStruct.IChatParticipantEntry participantEntry) =>
!(participantEntry?.FlagIcon?.Any(flagIcon =>
new { “Pilot has good standing”, “Pilot has excellent standing”, “Pilot is in your fleet”, “Pilot is in your corporation”, “Pilot is in your alliance”, null }
.Any(goodStandingText => flagIcon?.HintText?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase(goodStandingText) ?? false)) ?? false);

I explain what was wrong, A-Bot was not able to reconize the various “Labels” and you forgot the Own Char haven’t any icons/label, for make work the bot everyone need activate all icon brackets in local, this mean neutrals/no standing/bad standings/terrible standings/good standings/excellent standing/pilot in fleet/pilot in corp/pilot in alliance,.

In this way A-Bot is able to identify the friends so ppl with those icons: good stading/excellent standing/pilot in corp/pilot in alliance/pilot in fleet, the char without icon will be reconize like the own char, and all the rest will be consider “enemy”.



1. A-Bot don’t align to the bookmark when he is inside the anomaly (Important if we are in carrier)

2. A-Bot not reconize the Capital Shield Booster and not activate it

3. A-Bot not use the squadrons (fighters)

4. A-Bot not reconize the module: Networked Sensor Array (This module if is present are to activate everytime A-Bot enter into the anomaly so before to start to targhet the NPCs)


**1.**I use an insta dock bookmark, this mean I land at 0Km on the station when an enemy enter in system and A-Bot warp to the bookmark, how I can add the function to dock to station after the warp if the bookmark name is “INSTA DOCK”?

2. Can you add the possibility to write to the file: “Bot.config” this settings:
    - Anomaly Name to enter (with priority, example: 1. Sanctum 2. Forsaken Hub)
    - Modules Name to keep always activate like “Capital Shield Booster”
    - Primary Order (like First Frigates, Second: Cruisers ect, Last: BS

3. A-Bot warp to te anomaly at 0km, how I can make A-Bot to warp at anomaly at 50km?

How to download the updated .exe ? I dont see the Release folder.

I now compiled the new version to an exe. You can download it at https://github.com/botengine-de/A-Bot/releases


Can I have a little bit of consideration? are 2 days I work on this code, Im trying to apply the various stuff I wrote up… if you can help me here maybe everyone on this forum will be happy to use fighters, bookmark align in anomaly etc…

How to warp at 50km from the anomaly:

I changed this:

if (null != scanResultCombatSite)
yield return scanResultCombatSite.ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot, ParseStatic.MenuEntryWarpToAtLeafRegexPattern);

Whit this:

if (null != scanResultCombatSite)
var menuResult = memoryMeasurement?.Menu?.ToList();
if (null == menuResult)
yield return scanResultCombatSite.ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot, null);
menuResult = memoryMeasurement?.Menu?.ToList();

var menuResultWarp = menuResult?[0].Entry.ToArray();
var menuResultSelectWarpMenu = menuResultWarp?[1];
if (menuResult.Count <2)
yield return menuResultSelectWarpMenu.ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot, null);
var menuSpecificDistance = menuResult[1]?.Entry.ToArray();

yield return menuSpecificDistance[4].ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot, “within 50 km”);

How to align to “INSTA DOCK” Bookmark:

In combat.cs, after:

var listOverviewEntryToAttack =
memoryMeasurement?.WindowOverview?.FirstOrDefault()?.ListView?.Entry?.Where(entry => entry?.MainIcon?.Color?.IsRed() ?? false)
?.OrderBy(entry => bot.AttackPriorityIndex(entry))
?.ThenBy(entry => entry?.DistanceMax ?? int.MaxValue)

Add THIS code:

if (listOverviewEntryToAttack.Count() > 0)
if (retreatBookmark == “INSTA DOCK”)
var textIndication = memoryMeasurement?.ShipUi?.Indication?.LabelText?.ToArray();
if (textIndication == null)
var RootUIElement = memoryMeasurement?.InfoPanelCurrentSystem?.ListSurroundingsButton;
var menuRootBook = memoryMeasurement?.Menu?.ToList();
if (null == menuRootBook)
yield return RootUIElement.ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot, “INSTA DOCK”);
menuRootBook = memoryMeasurement?.Menu?.ToList();

var menuBookAlign = menuRootBook?[0].Entry.ToArray();
var menuBookAlignMenu = menuBookAlign?[7];
if (menuRootBook.Count < 2)
yield return menuBookAlignMenu.ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot, null);
var menuRootSpecicAlign = menuRootBook[1]?.Entry.ToArray();

yield return menuRootSpecicAlign[2].ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot, “align”);

I tried and work, if you know a better way to do it please let me know

How to download the updated .exe ? I dont see the Release folder.

I now compiled the new version to an exe. You can download it at https://github.com/botengine-de/A-Bot/releases

Hi, i have tried it, now it doesnt go to the bookmark, but it just start the resist module and nothing after that.