EVE Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release

Taken from default mine.ore.cs:

if (returnDronesToBayOnRetreat) {

void DroneEnsureInBay()
	if(0 == DronesInSpaceCount)


void DroneReturnToBay()
	Host.Log("return drones to bay.");
	Sanderling.MouseClickLeft(Menu?.FirstOrDefault()?.EntryFirstMatchingRegexPattern("return.*bay", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));

I’m trying to click in the menu that pops up when you right click on an individual drone in the drone window, and I’m getting this error:

Error CS0029 Cannot implicitly convert type ‘Sanderling.ABot.Bot.Task.MenuPathTask’ to ‘Sanderling.Motor.MotionParam’

I’m using ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern as extended by Terpla like so (from the “fuzzy building a bot” thread):

static public MenuPathTask ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(this IUIElement rootUIElement,
				Bot bot,
				string menuEntryRegexPattern, string menuNextStep)
				if (null == rootUIElement)
					return null;

				return new MenuPathTask
					Bot = bot,
					RootUIElement = rootUIElement,
					ListMenuListPriorityEntryRegexPattern = new[] { new[] { menuEntryRegexPattern }, new[] { menuNextStep } },

here’s the line:

yield return droneMenuResultSelectOrbitMenu.ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot2, "orbit", "20 km");

All I’m trying to do is orbit my drones instead of my targets (I get a yellow boxing issue if I orbit targets in my current setup). droneMenuResultSelectOrbitMenu is a local variable that’s a Sanderling.Parse.IMenuEntry. What I really don’t understand is that AnomalyEnter.cs uses this method with a local variable of type IMenuEntry and it works just fine.

How do I get this to work? Sorry if the answer is really obvious but I have only a little coding experience so I’m learning as I go. If I need to provide more info just let me know. Thanks!

Bot is showing ‘App interface not ready, update etc’

Also bot is only clicking on top left icon - i remember there was a fix for this but I can’t find it anywhere. Any tips?

He’s trying to warp on save spot. Local chat is not detected or its enemy in there.

Must be issue with new chat system then? I don’t know how to edit the config file, but I had this working before…

Thanks for fast response though mate <3

fix for local chat detection is posted here:


I can’t get this fix to work at all. I try to load the other bot into it but I must be doing someting wrong. Is anyone able to post a quick video on exactly how to do this?

IE. A couple of minutes, from download, to install, to running client?
(It isn’t difficult to edit details out of a video, like system, pilot, local etc - YouTube Link)

same i dont understand how you are supposed to use that “fix”

A-Bot Release v2018-04-04

This release integrates the March 2018 version of Sanderling memory reading. This version is adapted to recent changes in the EVE Online chat window. For more details, see the forum thread at Sanderling App Release March 2018

Thanks to @Anonymous0012, and others who helped testing A-Bot.

You can download the app executable file from

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Where can I find a list of what modules the bot can use? I am shit at coding and feel like I’m completely lost. It won’t activate Gist booster. Won’t touch T2 XL. I had to manually get the tooltip for the launchers and I’m just generally feeling a bit lost

How can this A Bot be made to orbit enemies while activating afterburner?

Hello! I was wondering if someone could clarify what you do with the config file. I found older mentions of a “bot.config” file confusing, because I wasn’t sure if this is something I create on my own or was meant to be automatically created by the program.


Or if I needed to make it before I compile. Or if config.cs is what I’m meant to be modifying.

This is my first time ever working with a programming language, and some of the information in this thread seems to be out of date. Sorry if this is obvious.

bot.config.txt (346 Bytes)
delete the .txt extension and you have the bot.config ( actually you have to made yourself)
the ones with // aren’t good ( old tries)

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Thank you very much! I understand what I was doing wrong now.

Continuing the discussion from Eve Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release:

i got it but all it does is click on all the modules do does it not works with shield booster vnis?

shields are not implemented on official a-bot

Hi, how do I set the bot to orbit automatically something at 50km?

I’m currently flying a 100mn VNI, but the bot seems to remain statically in the same place 100% of the time.


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Welcome @TheRat
it seems you use A-bot , to orbit ( and/or add more features) you have to modify the sources and recompile the bot.
An alternative is to use his framework, Sanderling and the scripts found at Gift Anomaly Ratting salvAGE Bot with Sanderling - GARBAGE-2 and measuring his efficiency
or Ratting bot: anomaly and/or asteroids with Sanderling - #84 by kaboonus

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My eve.exe doesn’t show up in the list of processes in “Interface” for the Sanderlings and Sanderlings-Abot client. Do you know why?

The guide for the new version working with the 64-bit EVE Online client is now at https://to.botlab.org/guide/app/eve-online-combat-anomaly-bot