EVE Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release

Good morning my friends…

I have this code

Sanderling.Parse.IMemoryMeasurement Measurement => Sanderling?.MemoryMeasurementParsed?.Value;
var chatLocal =
?.FirstOrDefault(windowChat => windowChat?.Caption?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase(“local”) ?? false);
bool hostileOrNeutralsInLocal => 1 != chatLocal?.ParticipantView?.Entry?.Count(IsNeutralOrEnemy);
bool IsNeutralOrEnemy(IChatParticipantEntry participantEntry) =>
!(participantEntry?.FlagIcon?.Any(flagIcon =>
new { “Pilot (is in your fleet|is in your corporation|is in your alliance|has Excellent Standing.|has Good Standing.)” }
.Any(goodStandingText =>
flagIcon?.HintText?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase(goodStandingText) ?? false)) ?? false);
var chatLocal =
?.FirstOrDefault(windowChat => windowChat?.Caption?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase(“local”) ?? false);
if(chatLocal?.ParticipantView?.Entry?.Count(IsNeutralOrEnemy) > 1)
System.Media.SoundPlayer simpleSound = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(@“C:\EVE\BOT\Warp\script\alerta.wav”);

It beeps when a neutral enters the “location.”
Is it possible to edit this code so that instead of sending a sound alert it presses the “G” key?

// Change the  code between the ///---------------------------'s to something like this
Sanderling.KeyboardPress(new [] { VirtualKeyCode.VK_G}); 

Host.Delay(5000); // waits 5 seconds;


dont work

“TimeDateTimeIntraDayCal”: “19.15.19”,
“TimeDateTimeIntraSecMilliString”: “180”,
“CaptionString”: “System.Exception: compilation error: (20,26): error CS1503: Argument 2: cannot convert from ‘WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode[]’ to ‘WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode’\r\n em BotSharp.ScriptRun.ScriptRun.<>c__DisplayClass61_0.b__0()”,
“LineIndex”: 19,
“CharacterIndexInLine”: 49,
“LineIndexInAvalonEdit”: 20,
“CharacterIndexInLineInAvalonEdit”: 50

Try this

// Change the code between the ///---------------------------'s to something like this
Sanderling.KeyboardPressCombined(new [] { VirtualKeyCode.VK_G});

Host.Delay(5000); // waits 5 seconds;

Or remove the array brackets [] and use Sanderling.KeyboardPress(new VirtualKeyCode.VK_G);


1 Like

I was wondering how you were able to do this?
I’m no coder (just a script kiddie who can edit) but I have been trying to add in a function to check if there is a blue in site with no luck, could you give some insight into how you were able to do this?

Do you read this tread?

Ahha, no I didn’t see that, thank you

I also had a good read from Fuzzy building A-Bot - #101 by Fuzzy that you fuzzy and master added to, along with the github very usfulll stuff! :slight_smile:

I’ve been trying to get it to work so that it properly pulls drones when it detects a neutral, however what would be the best way to do it, apart from declaring all the variables over again? I added it to the RetreatTask with a sleep before warping off, but I’m sure there’s a better way

(sorry for multi question) But is there also a activation issue with using launchers? I noticed when I tried to use them it didn’t work sometimes

@Fuzzy hey quick dumb question for ya, when doing the orbiting setup you had from post #224

it says that if you want the bot to orbit a collidables, to change asteroid for the type. Would that require to change all 3 asteroid in the program? Also, when you refer to the type, I assume it is the type column in the overview? Is there any way to get it to orbit any collidables?


Newmy I had this issue when trying to sort rock from gas haven. I added another var like this:

// Object. They should be shown in overview. If you want orbit “collidable entity” replace the word “asteroid” with a word from the column type
var Broken = memoryMeasurement?.WindowOverview?.FirstOrDefault()?.ListView?.Entry
?.Where(entry => entry?.Name?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase(“Pirate”) ?? false)
?.OrderBy(entry => entry?.DistanceMax ?? int.MaxValue)

			// Object. They should be shown in overview. If you want orbit "collidable entity" replace the word "asteroid" with a word from the column type
			var Brokengate = memoryMeasurement?.WindowOverview?.FirstOrDefault()?.ListView?.Entry
				?.Where(entry => entry?.Name?.RegexMatchSuccessIgnoreCase("Chemical") ?? false)
				?.OrderBy(entry => entry?.DistanceMax ?? int.MaxValue)

And then where the variables are called I added another line to check for both orbitals:

			if (speedMilli < 20000)
				yield return Broken.FirstOrDefault().ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot, "Orbit", "20 km");
				yield return Brokengate.FirstOrDefault().ClickMenuEntryByRegexPattern(bot, "Orbit", "30 km");

This is probably bad coding and not proper way to put in the post, but this works for me.

Hello guys i have been using the bot with an ishtar and wanted to change it into a rattlesnake, i miracly figure to change the nunbers of drones out to 2 from 5 now it works, but my programming level is more like of the one of a kindergardeen.

Ï’m having a problem activating the cruise missiles in said trattlenakes, the bot seem to read the module but doesn’t recognise it as a weapon or if it does he doesn’t think it should be attacking the objective. i would really like to step up to the snake but this is now giving me leser results tahn a vni, does anyobdy had this problem before?


I downloaded the .exe of A-bot from the releases on github. How do I edit the script though? Is it through the .exe interface?

Are you using the downloaded version of this framework to do this anom ratting … or do you have to make edits and changes?

I have error here
Method doesn’t find.
Pls help. I need to solve this docking problem asap=(

Hello, Guys.
I found how to launch 2 drones not 5.
Also solved problem with name of anomaly.
Now I need my Gila to warp at 0 to Station and dock.
Cant find working code for that.
Please, help.

Tnx it works now :slight_smile:

Hey guys,

Thanks for creating all of this, and discussing edits to the code,
It’s really helped myself to learn more about coding and editing, and is why I really enjoyed it,

For myself, I Don’t think I’ll ever actually use any of this in game, as I don’t like the idea of it. I have simply used it as a reason/initiative to teach myself now to work with C# and how Variables and definitions work in a system
People like @Viir Fuzzy @Terpla and Master, thank you For your responses in these threads, just looking at how you view things, and edits made have helped me greatly learn.

So far i’ve created a few versions based on code listed here and my own to create ones for Drone ships mainly, but the next one I’m a little Trumped with
Was planing to create an edit for a rattle, I’ve done everything with it, but For some reason it doesn’t always use its launchers, I was using the Meta4 RHML’s
Has anyone experienced this issue?

Does the bot use rocket launchers sometimes or do not use them at all?

Is there anyway to run this on a 32bit system? Stuck with my laptop thats 32bit and it won’t run it.

Hi, i really like this kind of stuff. I’m trying personally find how it works but i stuck please help me.
I need help about align. It doesn’t click on sun (current system info panel) + click on instadock bookmark. But if i click manually on sun then move mouse cursor on instadock bookmark and open menu (warp,warp with…,align etc…) its clicking on align. I tried so many thing memorymeasurement stuff didn’t work. How can i fix it?

I scoured the forum for 2 weeks and still can’t figure out how to recall drones before warping off. I tried using the virtual key code shift R by modifying retreat.cs but that doesn’t work either. Tried implementing all the possible solutions and hints in the previous posts but to no avail. Any help?