BotLab Devlog

Windows App Version 2020-03-05

Version 2020-03-05 of the Windows app brings several improvements to the user interface.

Making it easier to use online sessions

Some people had reported problems with starting online sessions. It was not always clear how to input the personal key into the UI. The first step to improve on this was expanding the guides to cover this in more detail. Now I also found a way to make the user interface itself simpler to prevent those issues in the future:
Starting online sessions is now easier with the new --online-session option on the run-bot command. When using this option, you don’t anymore have to copy your key for each bot. Instead the engine uses the key you stored as the default on your system. You can set the default key using the new online-session-key store-default-key command. To make this easier too, the web UI at shows you the complete command. Just copy and paste to run it in the command prompt.

As usual, you can explore the new commands in the botengine app using the --help option:

PS C:\Users\John> botengine  online-session-key  --help                                                                             Subcommands to manage online bot session keys. You can test keys and store a default key.

Usage: BotEngine online-session-key [command] [options]

  -?|-h|--help        Show help information

  reveal-default-key  Display the stored default key. Other commands don't display the key to avoid accidentally sharing this
  store-default-key   Store the default key to use when attempting to start an online bot session. I will use this key when you add
                      the '--online-session' option to a 'run-bot' command. The key will be stored in a file scoped to your Windows
                      user account
  test-key            Test a key to see if it can be used to start an online bot session.

Run 'online-session-key [command] -?|-h|--help' for more information about a command.

Improving error messages and recommendations

I refined several error messages and recommendations in the user interface. For example, it now makes suggestions in case of misspelling commands or options:

Contributions From the Community

@Lanson and @TheRealManiac refined guides and bots:

There is a new guide for EVE Online developers to find things faster in the game client user interface: bots/ at a364d5d7c120450786ba05de2ca5ad5dd3931523 · Viir/bots · GitHub

Visual maps help you where to find things and how shortcuts to popular elements are named in the framework:

It also contains examples of how to use these shortcuts in your app.

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@Medede was looking for help with a modification to a EVE Online mining bot: Help with mining bot

I programmed that modification and also recorded a walktrough on how to implement it:

In this video I show how to add a setting to a botengine app.

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The Tribal Wars 2 farmbot recently saw a lot of updates to make it more efficient. I updated the guides to integrate version 2020-03-25. To summarize, the most significant improvements:

  • Faster farming: The newest version sends between 800 and 1000 attacks per hour.
  • New feature to avoid smaller barbarian villages. You can set a threshold for minimum points using the app-settings.
  • Improved user interface, including a detailed report on the last completed farm cycle and many improved status description texts.

I also updated the guide on the forum for the new version: Farm Manager - Tribal Wars 2 Farmbot

@Murderburger shared a question about an EVE Online mining bot:

I explored and added an implementation to add this to the display:

In this video I explain the development process:

Jim @ElHefe shared an improvement to EVE Online mining bots here:

This gives an app-setting that lets you define what you want the threshold to be. It keeps the default at the original 99%.

When I have a 7000 capacity in my Ore hold, and my ice miners cycle at 1500 each every two minutes, I don’t want to waste two minutes every round trip for the last few percents to fill up.

Several people asked about adding defense functionality using drones to EVE Online mining bots. We had people come up with different approaches to defend against rats, and these resulted in various implementations.

Now I made this video of a more recent variant, explaining how it works and showing all the programming:

The merge commit with the code changes is at Merge - add drones defense for EVE Online mining bot · Viir/bots@485cec1 · GitHub

Today I updated the botengine reactor and the catalog.

In the view of online sessions, you can now directly see the beginning of the description of the app used in that session. You can see this, for example, in the list of most recent online sessions:

Reactor most recent online sessions

People reported problems with composing the commands used to run apps with non-default settings and running those commands in the Command Prompt. The catalog can now do this for you automatically. All you do have to enter your settings into the input fields. The system then generates a script for these settings that you can download and execute via double-click from the Windows explorer.

Interface to configure how to run an app

The settings you enter here are stored in the URL in the web browsers address bar, so you can bookmark your settings or share it with others.

This new configuration interface is automatically available for all bots you published on the catalog; you can open the tool using the ⚙️ Configure app button in the catalog entry:

Button to enter configure run app

I made this video summarizing the developments of the past week:

I updated the example projects for EVE Online to improve app settings. Last weeks changes benefit both users and developers:

  • Users now get faster feedback on app settings: The new app framework parses app settings as soon as it receives them from the user and sends the response with the response to the same app event. This change also means users do not have to wait anymore for the completion of the startup sequence to see results for their app settings string. The new immediate response has further implications: It also means that the whole of parsing and getting the response can be replicated easier in other environments, such as a web browser. So mid-term, this enables the inclusion of a quick check of any app settings string into the interface where users type their settings. Starting an app is then not necessary anymore to see if the settings are valid: Any time the user types a new character, they can see the result of the app-specific validation within one second.
  • Developers now find more helper functions in the framework to compose app settings syntax for their project. The Common.AppSettings module contains building blocks to help with parsing and generating specific error messages to guide users of your app. As shown in the example projects, apps integrate the app settings parsing and validating using the new parseAppSettings field in the framework function to compose an app.

Allan shared a new feature for the EVE Online mining bot with us: This version he published on Github docks to structures:

You can run this mining bot from FrontendWeb.Main

To make finding bots and other artifacts easier, I added this search box to the catalog today:

search on the catalog

The search box lets you filter published artifacts by their description text, tags, the names of authors, framework version, etc…

Today I expanded the guide on developing for EVE Online. The newest chapter explains the overall app code structure and data flow.

Here is a direct link to the new chapter: bots/ at 56333a44d00364cb9a45558faa6600a26b7212de · Viir/bots · GitHub

Cameron shared an improved version of the EVE Online local watch intel tool: His version sounds an alarm only when a new pilot with bad standing appears.

You can find his version here: FrontendWeb.Main

Credits also to @Terpla for sharing sample data for reading the pilot standings from the game client, the basis to develop the reading functionality in the app:

sample data for pilot standings shared by Terpla

@Kawz helped to make the most popular bot even more robust. They discovered a scenario were the Tribal Wars 2 farmbot did not work correctly. This bug caused the bot sometimes not to see all owned villages, which in turn resulted in farm cycles ending too early.

Tribal Wars 2 farmbot problem before 2020-07-06

Based on their report, the root cause was identified quickly, leading to fixing the code and version 2020-07-06 of the farmbot.

Debugging apps for EVE Online became much easier this week.

Have you ever wondered what the bot did when you weren’t looking? What kind of NPC destroyed your ship? Or maybe it was another player? The time machine helps you answer these questions.

The development tools introduced this week help us travel back in time to examine past states of an app and see what happened in the game at that time. Using this tool, you also have a new way to check if the code you wrote worked as expected. I added the section “Observing and Inspecting an App” to the guide on developing for EVE Online, explaining how the new tools work: bots/ at f69463028e163511e870ceb03c2885d7f582de91 · Viir/bots · GitHub

@BrianCorner explored how you can repair your ship in EVE Online.

Adding this behavior to your bot means further reducing the time spent on manual maintenance.
They also provided the training data for the parsing of the repair shop window from the game client’s user interface. The parsing framework now has a guide to this window in the new repairShopWindow field:

BrianCorner repair ship guide

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There is a new video for EVE Online developers:

Here we take a look at how you make a bot see anomalies and other pilots in the overview. You can use the functions introduced here to get more information about your surroundings in the game. These building blocks are also useful if you want to make your bot remember in what anomalies it found other pilots on arrival.

Also interesting for developers in general: In this video, we also see how to use simulations to quickly test new reading and parsing code without the need to start a game client.

I have news for developers regarding app-settings:

You can now use line-breaks to organize settings strings for your apps. Version 2020-08-07 of the botengine for Windows supports encoding line breaks as \n in the app-settings string. To make it easy for users to compose these strings, the configuration interface on the catalog entries for apps now contains this multiline textbox for the app-settings string:

new user interface to configuring how to run an app

To see how to adapt your app to support the line-breaks to separate assignments in the app-settings, see the example projects’ changes at Improve readability in app-settings · Viir/bots@1ab3cf1 · GitHub