Bot Developer's Shopping List

Welcome @Innominate,
good to learn from you about what is interesting for bot developers.

This sounds to me a bit like an all or nothing approach. I mean it sounds a bit like you want to avoid taking small steps, expanding your AHK bots to use Sanderling gradually. Have you encountered a problem using Sanderling memory reading in your AHK bots?

Yes you can, the Sanderling memory reading code is open source. I published guides about how sanderling memory reading works as well as sample code (see overview with links below) to get people interested in this up to speed.

Here is a summary of what happened:

To clarify, development of this fix did not require knowledge about an Eve patch. As you will see in the linked guide, we use snapshots of the actual game clients process as reference for memory reading development.

If you want to be informed about such breaking changes to the eve online client in advance, you can test the memory reading on the public test server Singularity (Sisi) for EVE Online.

Following are resources to learn about eve online memory reading:

Querying all this needs less than half a second.

I am going to take a look at the list later.

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