A-Bot for Capitals and Motherships

UPDATE 10/10/2017


  1. LaunchFighters Function → The Bot launch the fighters when the NPC appear in anomaly
  2. RecallFighters Function → The Bot recall the fighters when anomaly is end (All NPC are dead)

@Fuzzy If I have to retreat I warp on the safespot and then I dock, so I have not the “dock” entry into the menù, I done this to avoid the possible to be out docking range then the warp end at the station

где можно взять на тест?


Sorry Im not able to answer you in russian, however I translated your post with google translate.

At the moment isn’t possible test it, Im still working on the code, I made this topic to update what I change/integrate into the A-Bot and for find some other devs to help me on that.

С тоже через google translate.

Я буду разрабатывать альтернативный скрипт для фарма зелёных аномалий на VEKSOR , в NPC системах ниже 0,0.
Готов взять за основу

Алгоритм действий.

1 . Проверка нейтрала в системе
2. Проверка наличия корабля в случаи отсутствия взять корабль из ангара по имени корабля
2 . Открытие меню аномалий.
3. Варп на аномаль и определение занято или нет. ( возможно прописка конкретных типов аномалий)
4. запуск дронов и зянятие орбиты на объект.
5 назад в цитадель.


Sorry man, but Im not working on A-Bot for ship under the capitals, I am working only for the capitals and motherships, almost of the operation from you typed are already done in the actual A-Bot.

What do you have add in case you want use Vexor are:

  • Check for the ship in hangar
  • Check if the anomaly it’s already taken
  • Go back to station

Maybe for some action like: check if the anomaly is already taken, check the local status I can share here my codes to add/modify in H-Bot.

You can find the actual H-Bot at this link: EVE Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release

You can post there any question about changes etc, it’s more appropriate then this thread

UPDATE 12/10/2017

  • Launch Squadrons → Done
  • Squandrons Combat Engage → Done
  • Retreat Squadrons → Done
  • Activation of Reparis if hitpoints are below then 80%
  • Deactivation of Repair if hitpoints are at 100%
  • Activate the RetreakTask to Escape out the anomaly if hitpoints are under the 45% → Done
  • Anomaly Enter at 50km → Done
  • Check the healt of the squadrons, if a squadron take damage, retreat it and then launch and engage again → Done

In Task:

  • Check if a fighter die, if the squadron size is below the max then fill up the squadron again

UPDATE 13/10/2017

  • Improved the return of single squadron if under attack, now the bot give the speed bonus command after the recall and reconize more better the status of retreat without spam the “Recall to launch tube”
  • Improved the reconize of squadron’s status when are into the tube, now the bot not give the launch command if almost one of squadron is “ready”
  • Improved the attacking of squadroins, avoid F1 spam (activate/deactivate of the attack)

In Task:

  • Check if the anomaly is empty or already taken, if taken “ignore” the current result from the list and then warp to next anomaly
  • Check if a fighter die, if the squadron size is below the max then fill up the squadron again

Hello dude, I was wondering if it will be able to dock at citadels? I’ve been looking for a capital ratting bot but it seems like they only use stations for docking (some hunter send in a dictor to bubble a station so they can catch people warping there).

Keep up the good work, looks promising :smiley:

Edit: One more question, regarding…
“5. If Anomaly is empty (so any blue or corp or alliance member is inside continue else he change anomaly)”
Do you mean the bot will warp you away to another anomaly IF there is someone at the site? Don’t wanna steal other ppls ticks :wink:


Hi man, about the Station/Citadels, yeah work with both, my code not go to check the kind of station, use an tatctical safespot to instadock, and then go to give the dock at the station/citadel, the only staff to do is set the station/citadel fullname into the code, and he run.


  • → Bot enter anomaly and align to the tactical safespot outside the station
  • → During the anomaly neutral/hostile enter in system
  • → Bot detect the neutral/hostile then warp at 0km on the tactical safespot outside the warp
  • → Landing on the safe spost he give dock command so instadock

About the point number 5. this is to prevent stupid ppl can report for botting if you go inside and run her/his anomaly, and avoid possible convos

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UPDATE 14/10/2017

  • Check if the anomaly is empty or already taken, if taken “ignore” the current result from the list and then warp to next anomaly → Done
  • Set Target Priority in base of: EWAR then by Ship Size ordered by Distance → Done

In Task:

  • Use the squadrons special attack only on >= Battleships
  • Check if a fighter die, if the squadron size is below the max then fill up the squadron again

Hello Friend ! where can I get your bot?


My bot is in testing, because is maked in base what I need, so at the moment it’s not possible change the various stuff without change the source code.

Yesterday I finished all main functions to make the bot usable, but Im monitoring the various aspect to understand if is safe keep it run alone, for example I saw sometines if more squadrons are keeping damage the bot tend to go in “crisis”.

So before release it I need: make configurable the station name etc from the bot.config file and then make improve the action management of the bot

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UPDATE 16/10/2017

  • Use the squadrons special attack only on >= Battleships

In Task:

  • Check if a fighter die, if the squadron size is below the max then fill up the squadron again
  • Make the source configurable from the “bot.config” without touch the bot source code

So are there basically any bots here, or just devs sharing ideas and cooperating on projects?

I am trying to start a bot farm to improve my sales on https://odealo.com/games/eve-online/ market, hoped to find one here

Both, you are provided the framework to do modifications suiting your needs.
@Master said “Before release…” so he is not finished working on his version yet.

This might be a good idea especially when multiple bots are in use; make them all use a configurable chat channel to call out the anomaly sig id so that the other bots auto-ignore called out sig id’s. That prevents the capitals from having to move on every time they meet eachother, by not having them meet eachother :slight_smile: The ships are slow, so every slight gain in performance means more isk / hour.


Good Idea, but atm Im focused with another dev. to refactory all the base-code, for run multibox


This post was made for find other dev like me to work on this “idea”, we made the bot, the bot working, but after we made it we saw the management of task ect could be improved.

We start a totally refactory of “A-Bot” using always “Sanderling” but with a totally different concept of management and tasks, we added some “services” directly.

I can say our new version is totally diffrent from everyelse. And right now we are working to make our bot runnable under innerspace.

So the “initial concept” is totally changed from when I started this thread, so the “release” of this BOT have to be discussed by me and the other dev.

What I can say right now is we added everything I wrote on this thread, we added the memory structure missed to reconize the coldown of the fighters too… At the moment we are improving the manage of combat field and we are going to make our BOT runnable under innerspace for make it multibox without block the user interaction with the PC

Are 15 days me and the other Dev. working on it we rewritten like everything, so how you can understand It’s not only a my work, and I think it’s correct ask to the other dev if we want release it and how we will release it.

My apologize for the time dilation but we have to finish our goals and then we will discuss about the release

May i ask you: why did you change the concept?? Is it too complicated for you? What is the new concept that you are using?

May i see this part? I plan to do this after the completion of a simple bot and this information would be very useful. I think the Architect can add this part to the framework.

I do not understand what is “innerspace”. Can it be better to try to optimize the program for a virtual machine? This would allow running several copies of bots on one computer.