64bit eve

Hello everyone, have you seen that Sanderling no longer reads the memory of the game?

No. I just tested an EVE Online bot today, to prepare the release of the new botengine version. This bot uses Sanderling memory reading and worked without problems: bots/implement/bot/eve-online/eve-online-warp-to-0-autopilot at de00799cd5edf771f210c8265d249f1380bd6382 · Viir/bots · GitHub

Maybe you will check with the launch of the game in 64 bit mode? In settings → run clients with 64 bit, tick the mod.

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I can confirm that the memory reader is not working with the 64 bit version of eve.

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Same here! Will you do a version for 64 bit or we should keep running the 32?

Ok, I can look into this.

@goldenhunter, @bjbama and @apextim:
In case you are interested in using a version of the memory reader which is compatible with the 64 bit version of the EVE Online client, I recommend to link to a sample of the client process taken with the tool from How to Collect Samples for 32-bit Memory Reading Development
Such samples can be used as a reference for the memory reading development.

I did not find a link to a sample of the EVE Online client process in this thread.