EVE Online Anomaly Ratting Bot Release

I guess somethink like that:

				ColorORGB color= new ColorORGB(0, 282, 389, 492);
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If you want to check for equality of all four properties, you can structure it like this:

bool IsFriendBackgroundColor(ColorORGB color) =>
	color.OMilli == 0 && color.RMilli == 282 && color.GMilli == 389 && color.BMilli == 492;

If equality comparison on instances of ColorORGB works too, then you can construct your reference value as Terpla has shown in his post.

Keep in mind that the O property is for Opacity and a value of 0 means it is transparent.

Is there a way to jump between systems? Go to the next system on a list or something. Anomaly ratting in just one system is not really profitable in highsec. Or maybe i am just to stupid to set it up properly.


It’s more better if you skill an alt and you go to do it in null sec


I feel kinda stupid to ask that but this make me crazy lol

I explain fast I did the function where the bot check if the anomaly is already taken or not, if is already taken he go to ingnore the current anomaly result and go to warp to the next, else he start the combat… BUT I have a little problem, he run the check everytime, so if currently the anomaly someone enter, the bot will consider it “alreadyTaken” and go to ignore the result and warp to the next LOL.

So… now… I placed this variable into Combat.cs under:

public class CombatTask : IBotTask

The variable is declare in this way:

public bool OwnAnomaly { private set; get; }

This is the check always in Combat.cs:

if (OwnAnomaly != true)
if (listOverviewEntryFriends.Length > 0)
yield return bot.SkipAnomaly(memoryMeasurement);
yield return new AnomalyEnter { bot = bot };
OwnAnomaly = true;
yield return bot.LaunchFighters(memoryMeasurement?.ShipUi?.SquadronsUI);

and when the anomaly is finished I assign to the “OwnAnomaly” the value “False”

But happen what I explaind before… so I think everytime he go to reset the value, so I need to place the variable declaration outside Combat.cs but I don’t know where lol

This value have to be reseted only if is a new anomaly or if the anomaly it’s finished, can you tell me where place the variable declaration so the Combat.cs not reset it everytime it’s running? xD

As i understand, every time you create a new CombatTask you create a new object with new properies.Therefore, either you need to transfer data when you create CombatTask or get data from the object to a higher level.

Maybe you should create new property in bot class?

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I have already fixed that, now work, Im working right now on improve combat task actions, however thx ^^

What about the approach suggested by Terpla?:


trying to figure out exactly what is going on but I downloaded the most-recent github release 17.05.03 and I just keep getting the message “Diagnostic: “no suitable anomaly found. waiting for anomaly to appear.”(BotTask->AnomalyEnter->DiagnosticTask)” when there’s literally 23 combat sites in the system, and I can eve see them listed in the Last Measurement window in the WindowOther[0].LabelText list. Am I doing something wrong? I followed the configuration steps listed in the readme but so far I cant get it to take me to a site.

@Zerashk in the anomaly window do you have the whole “Combat” word visible?

@Fuzzy This is my screen layout … I think I have everything visible, but it’ll still just sit here and never warp anywhere.

@Zerashk I think you need to detach the map window from the site list for it to work and then close the map part.
It’s on the left of the X above the “filtered” anomaly list.


Looks good, I will test it out tonight and leave some feedback if i find something worth mentioning

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How well does this bot work with VNI ratting?

@grand10 It works quite well if you use my modified version that I linked in the rather obvious thread :slight_smile:
It does not support player detection at the moment though as I haven’t heard back from @Master in a few days to get that sorted.

Do you mean player detection as in; others in the anomaly or threats in system?

Read through the thread here: Link

Anyone found a way to make bot loot wrecks and put it in station ?

Good program;

one question is it any code that make possible the recall drone after safe warp because of ennemy in local ? as after the warp when the bot come back to the anom if you have a VNI only 2 drones left in the cargo so the question is;

any chance for a line allow to reconnect to the lost drones ?

thx again good job.

The optimal rutine would be this when a hostile is spotted in system:

  1. Recall drones
  2. Align to safespot
  3. Turn off Afterburner/Microwarpdrive
  4. If hostile lands on grid warp off right away! Ignore drones.
  5. Once drones are collected, dock/warp to safespot

That way even if you are scanned down you will be aligned at speed to jump if something lands on grid.