Ajout de certaines fonctionnalité

Je voudrais double cliquer dans le input text de la fenêtre MarketAction sans cliquer sur les petites flèche haut et bas.

If the subregion you want to click on does not have its own UIElement, you can do this to avoid the adjacent controls:

Constrain the region of the mouseclick to a smaller rectangle. You can implement this by adding the following functions to your script:

using Bib3.Geometrik;

MotionParam MouseClickWithRegionSubstituted(
	IUIElement destination,
	RectInt region,
	MouseButtonIdEnum mouseButton,
	int repetitionCount = 0) =>
	new MotionParam
		MouseListWaypoint = new[] { new MotionParamMouseRegion { UIElement = destination, RegionReplacement = region, } },
		MouseButton = new[] { mouseButton },
		MouseButtonRepetitionCount = repetitionCount,